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Monday, August 16, 2010

#888 - 109 FGHIs

The letters 'F-G-H-I' are four consecutive letters. How many words we can make in English, combining these four letters with the remaining 22 letters of the alphabet.

109 words approx. Here is the list:

bullfight , bullfighting , chafing , delightfully , disenfranchising , dogfight , dogfights , dogfish , eightfold , enfranchising , farreaching , farsighted , farthing , farthings , fashioning , fathering , fathoming , featherlight , fight , fightback , fighter , fighters , fighting , fights , figureheads , firefight , firefighter , firefighters , firefighting , firelighters , fishing , fishings , fishmongers , flagship , flagships , flashing , flashlight , flashlights , flight , flighted , flightless , flightpath , flights , flighty , floodlight , floodlighting , floodlights , flourishing , footlights , foreshadowing , foreshortening , foresight , forthcoming , forthright , forthrightly , forthrightness , fortnightly , fortnights , foxhunting , franchising , freewheeling , freight , freighted , freighter , freighters , freights , freshening , fright , frighted , frighten , frightened , frighteners , frightening , frighteningly , frightens , frightful , frightfully , frights , frothing , fundholding , furbishing , furnishings , goodfornothings , horrifyingly , huffing , kingfisher , kingfishers , lifethreatening , lungfish , mischiefmaking , nightfall , overfishing , refreshing , refreshingly , reshuffling , rightfully , selfrighteous , selfrighteously , selfrighteousness , shafting , shoplifting , shuffling , straightforwardly , straightforwardness , tightfisted , unflinchingly , unforthcoming , weightlifters , weightlifting

Fill in the blanks , choosing appropriate words from the above box :

The vessel which precariously tilted in the Arabian Sea recently , is a______.
We used to get a______journal by name "Imprint" .

Though somewhat savageous,______can thrill the hard-hearted .
Several celebrities were prosecuted in London for______.
We can see an______increase in prices of foodstuffs during the last one year .
Can______be allowed in exchange for money ?
Ghost stories were only______used by elders to scare children and make them docile .
A fierce______erupted between the Police and the terroritss .
To and fro______are for your account .
The bird is so______, that I could not take a photograph .
Some countries encourage private______agencies .
The______in the house have faded and become old .
We cannot equate______and firefighters .
A______cannot have knee pains .
The Circus had a number of______beaming across the village skies .
The magician , while______the cards , cried : Abrakadabra !
The natural______of the human mind are not from pleasure to pleasure.
He could not find______in the vicinity .

Personal______is a bane in today's business world .
He suddenly found himself himself______with a swollen face .
Nightmares can cause______, shivers and sweats .
Few______will not matter , when pounds are being washed away .
The stage in the theatre is fitted with a row of______.

The______is a suddenly excited fear .

We show our sorrow for the dead, with______gratings and vaults, and lids of dismal stone.
Why do millioneers remain______when millions starve ?
Mosquitoes swarm with the______.

Human______often leaves its proudest possessor only a choice of evils .
Do______have only lungs or both lungs and gills ?
The port is incapable of receiving large______.
Do women______suffer during pregnancy ?

' Turnery ' is the art of______solid bodies into cylindrical or other forms by means of a lathe .
The______Trust is refusing to co-operate with the beneficiaries .
Some people regard his______behavior as condescension .
Frightening scenarios projected on T.V. channels do not______me.
Are______and jacamars allied birds ?
The Stadium has adequate______.
Do countries with vegetarian citizens lag behind in______?
The Supermarket is______its stock of chopped meat .
The______criticism made by the journal annoyed the President .
The welcome drink served at the Hotel is very______.
The ruling party is engaged in______the voters who support the opposition .
Is______an art or a science ?
Screamers put whole drawing rooms to______.
Tisco is the______Company of Tatas .
The______of the aircraft disappeared from the radar screen .
Is______not a barberous sport ?
The Stadium has been enriched with state-of-the-art______.
The Prime Minister is______his Cabinet a la, a card magician .
The two______preceding and following the Christmas are extremely cold .
The______beacon on the nearing shore , raised the hopes of the sailors .
The soldiers______in panic amidst the scare of dropping of atom bomb .
Can______persons survive as politicians ? Nay !
The soldiers______charged the peaceful citizens .
The art of spying includes adept______.
The play ended______with a well-woven climax .
The______Head Master of the School had to leave unceremoniously .
The______airport has looked like a grave .
who should pay the______? The consignor or the consignee ?
Our dance troop is getting ready to perform in the______Independence Day Celebrations .
The night was______lonely .
The______in the mine gave in to the gush of water , which resulted in the flooding of the tunnel .

An intelligent______retreats when strategy requires him to flee.
Knowledge, like a mercenary,______for sin or for righteousness.
Army in our country is called upon to______and rescue when calamities take place .
We should have______air in hospitals , particularly Intensive Care Units .

Love is______at the intervals of insensibility and callousness that encroach by little and little on the dominion of grief.
A______is a shark of the genus Scyllium .
The accident site appeared quite______and heart-rendering .
The clown dressed himself in a______gaudy gown .
His______kept him on tenterhooks .

Trade in scrap , with hazards of radiation has become a______occupation .

The court is______clean today . What might have happened ?
The legal heirs of the deceeased are______occupying the house .
Only______players can succeed in chess .

Stay away from______and the mischiefmakers .
The______of women took place only in the 20th Century .
He that has patience has fat thrushes for a______.
Her brave______earned her the Wimbledon .
One______among the three , became dysfunctional .
The______is between two pitbulls which are small strong dogs .
Does cinnamon help to______sweet tooth?
The Company enjoyed______wherever it established its business .
No-nonsense films will be______as they are not commercially viable .
She wears______sandals .
A preacher does not need to boast of______.

We have to accept the______of the huge mass of historical events with afflux of time .
The outgoing vessel is so heavily______that it had collided with an incoming tanker .
Fathoming sea is easier than______the human mind .
It is good______in troubled waters.
The oilchoked sea is heavily______.
The practice of______impoverished the Bay of Bengal .
A person before______disowning his own sins , must introspect .
A satirical speaker______others with his wit.
If crime______fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?
He can never win any election , with his______.
,97: A pigmy standing on the outward crest of this small planet, his______spirit stretches outward to the infinite, and there alone finds rest.
Should we dread the pride of a______person?

Love does not prevent spouses from______and fretting whenever their partners did not comply.
He always carries a______during long journies , to take care of contingencies .

The pitbull is not a bull; it is a dog used in______.

The kilns pose great danger to the residents and the______.
He found______crying at the top of their voices .
Can a______dive to catch its prey ?
The stoic Headmaster______ruled the school for several years .
The medieval British citizens enjoyed______as a favorite sport .
Lovers say______to one another whenever they find time .
Many countries have Presidents , who just happen to be______.
He has dealt with the matter______, but with little success .

1: freighter
,2: fortnightly
,3: bullfighting
,4: shoplifting
,5: eightfold
,6: franchising
,7: frighteners
,8: fighting
,9: freights
,10: flighty
,11: firefighting
,12: furnishings
,13: firelighters
,14: firefighter
,15: flashlights
,16: reshuffling
,17: flights
,18: flagships
,19: forthrightness
,20: frighted
,21: frights
,22: farthings
,23: footlights
,24: fright
,25: frightful
,26: tightfisted
,27: nightfall
,28: foresight
,29: lungfish
,30: freighters
,31: weightlifters
,32: fashioning
,33: fundholding
,34: selfrighteous
,35: frighten
,36: kingfishers
,37: floodlighting
,38: weightlifting
,39: furbishing
,40: forthrightly
,41: refreshing
,42: disenfranchising
,43: fathering
,44: flight
,45: flagship
,46: flightpath
,47: bullfight
,48: floodlights
,49: shuffling
,50: fortnights
,51: flashing
,52: flighted
,53: forthright
,54: frightfully
,55: foreshadowing
,56: delightfully
,57: huffing
,58: flightless
,59: freight
,60: forthcoming
,61: horrifyingly
,62: shafting
,63: fighter
,64: fights
,65: firefight
,66: freshening
,67: frightened
,68: dogfish
,69: frightening
,70: frighteningly
,71: fishings
,72: lifethreatening
,73: refreshingly
,74: rightfully
,75: farsighted
,76: mischiefmaking
,77: enfranchising
,78: farthing
,79: fightback
,80: floodlight
,81: dogfight
,82: fight
,83: freewheeling
,84: unforthcoming
,85: featherlight
,86: selfrighteousness
,87: foreshortening
,88: freighted
,89: fathoming
,90: fishing
,91: frothing
,92: overfishing
,93: selfrighteously
,94: frightens
,95: fighters
,96: straightforwardness
,97: farreaching
,98: flourishing
,99: chafing
,100: flashlight
,101: dogfights
,102: firefighters
,103: fishmongers
,104: kingfisher
,105: unflinchingly
,106: foxhunting
,107: goodfornothings
,108: figureheads
,109: straightforwardly

page numbers


From Nov. 14, 2009.

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