01. The protagonist of 'Merchant of Venice' is:
a) Antonio b) Bassanio c) Portia d) Shylock .
02. Samson's Agonestes, author is :
a) Shakespeare b) Congreve c) John Milton d) Dryden.
03. Which of the following is the author of 'The Prelude' ?
a) Coleridge b) Dryden c) Samuel Johnson d) Wordsworth.
04. 'The American Scholar' was the discourse of
a) Emerson b) Frost c) Edgar Allen Poe d) Thoreau.
05. Which of the following is considered as an Epic Poet?
a) Shakespeare b) Milton c) Ben Jonson d) Wordsworth.
06. Which of the following was a Prince of Denmark?
a) Hall b) Hamlet c) Mortimer d) Othello.
07. Who among the following designed the first dictionary for English?
a) Ben Jonson b) Samuel Johnson c) Alexander Pope d) John Milton.
08. Emma was the work of
a) Virginia Wolf b) Virginia Wade c) Jane Austin d) Pearls Buck.
09. Neither a borrower nor a lender be;
For loan oft loses both itself and friend. --
This quote is from Shakespeare's play :
a) Hamlet b) Othello c) Merchant of Venice d) Macbeth.
10. Doctor's Dilemma is the work of
a) Bertrand Russel b) George Bernard Shaw c) Mark Twain d) Virginia Wolfe.
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