Here is a small quiz based on some phrases which describe persons in various ways.
This table has 170 phrases.
The sentences table has 74 sentences.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate phrases selecting from the choice box. You can also use your own phrases.
You can hover your mouse on the answers to see the suggested answers, if you have no time to apply your memory or your mind.
Important: My answers are only suggestive. We can use more than one phrase also.
1: applying person |
2: discriminating person |
3: nude person |
4: proper person |
5: abominable person |
6: adventorous person |
7: affable person |
8: affluent person |
9: aggrestic person |
10: amateurish person |
11: amusing person |
12: apathetic person |
13: apish person |
14: appointed person |
15: arrogant person |
16: asthmatic person |
17: authoritative person |
18: bankrupt person |
19: barbaric person |
20: beleagured person |
21: belligerant person |
22: bereaved person |
23: bizarre person |
24: boisterous person |
25: busy person |
26: callous person |
27: captured person |
28: celebrity person |
29: ceremonious person |
30: changed person |
31: circumlocuting person |
32: circumspect person |
33: civilised person |
34: clean person |
35: clumsy person |
36: color-blind person |
37: common person |
38: communicative person |
39: competent person |
40: contesting person |
41: controversial person |
42: conventional person |
43: converted person |
44: courteous person |
45: coward person |
46: cruel person |
47: cultivated person |
48: cunning person |
49: dead person |
50: debilitated person |
51: deceased person |
52: democratic person |
53: deprived person |
54: diligent person |
55: diseased person |
56: disputing person |
57: dissenting person |
58: dissident person |
59: distinguished person |
60: docile person |
61: doubting person |
62: dwelling person |
63: dying person |
64: eccentric person |
65: entertaining person |
66: existing person |
67: experimenting person |
68: expert person |
69: extrovert person |
70: faceless person |
71: factious person |
72: female person |
73: fictitious person |
74: fiendish person |
75: flakey person |
76: flaky person |
77: forced person |
78: formal person |
79: freakish person |
80: freaky person |
81: friendly person |
82: fruitful person |
83: gay person |
84: gonzo person |
85: grownup person |
86: handicapped person |
87: heterosexual person |
88: hungry person |
89: idiotic person |
90: idle person |
91: illiterate person |
92: improper person |
93: impudent person |
94: indigent person |
95: inebriated person |
96: innocent person |
97: insane person |
98: insured person |
99: intellectual person |
100: juvenile person |
101: kind person |
102: lazy person |
103: literate person |
104: look-alike person |
105: lousy person |
106: loving person |
107: lunatic person |
108: manipulating person |
109: manipulative person |
110: matching person |
111: matchless person |
112: middle aged person |
113: miserly person |
114: muscular person |
115: native person |
116: niggardly person |
117: nonperson |
118: nonreligious person |
119: observing person |
120: optimistic person |
121: outlandish person |
122: parsimonious person |
123: penitive person |
124: pensive person |
125: preposterous person |
126: primitive person |
127: protesting person |
128: refined person |
129: reluctant person |
130: remorseful person |
131: repentant person |
132: repenting person |
133: resident person |
134: romantic person |
135: rude person |
136: ruminating person |
137: rustic person |
138: semi-literate person |
139: semi-nude person |
140: sensitive person |
141: sensual person |
142: sentimental person |
143: sexy person |
144: sick person |
145: sleeping person |
146: stingy person |
147: stingy person |
148: straight person |
149: technical person |
150: technological person |
151: thirsty person |
152: traditional person |
153: transexual person |
154: transvestite person |
155: travelling person |
156: troubling person |
157: unconventional person |
158: unfortunate person |
159: unrepenting person |
160: unskilled person |
161: unusual person |
162: unwelcome person |
163: urbane person |
164: visually impaired person |
165: wakeful person |
166: watchful person |
167: wealthy person |
168: working person |
169: yearning person |
1 |
We show our sorrow for the dead by inscribing falsehoods on their epitaphs. Epitaphs contain nothing but lies about ____s. |
2 |
A ____ is incapable of involving any man in ruin and misery. |
3 |
A sea____ may vomit frequently; a sign of nausea. |
4 |
A truly ____ does not bother about undrinkability of any liquid . |
5 |
All ____s do not become poltergeists . |
6 |
Eloquence is powerless for a ____. |
7 |
For a ____ art can look inglorious. |
8 |
How does a car____ behave, when he travels in a car for the first time. |
9 |
Idle persons can tempt the devi____ons can tempt the devil. |
10 |
Preventive justice is superior to punishing justice. Justice truly preventing, is better than severely punishing . A prelate may make the condition of his church better, by no means worse . A minor may make his condition better, by no means worse. Defective law is better than uncertain law . It is better that ten guilty persons escape, than that one ____ perish . He deservedly loses the benefit of the law, who intends to subvert the law itself . The harvest follows the seed time. |
11 |
The Company did not employ sufficient number of electro____nel to meet contingencies and emergencies . |
12 |
Truth itself is a lie for ____s. |
13 |
We can heal an ____. But we cannot heal a malevolent person . |
14 |
We can wake up a really ____. We cannot wake up a pretendor. |
15 |
Laws assist waking, but not ____s. |
16 |
The care of the republic is not to be delegated to an ____ . The king cannot be rich, when his subjects are poor . It is'not strange, that what have once advantageously been constituted endure, although the case may exist, from which they could not have taken a beginning . Does 21st Century love endure the test of time. |
17 |
No matter how someone dresses, It is the same person underneath . A new broom sweeps clean . A newly-____ makes changes energetically . A rising tide lifts all boats. |
18 |
A ____ cannot cause difficulties by revealing something that it would be preferable to conceal. |
19 |
A newly-____ makes changes energetically. |
20 |
The scalded dog fears cold water. The tailor makes the man . The tongue of ____s is never idle. |
21 |
A ____ cannot cause difficulties by revealing something that it would be preferable to conceal. |
22 |
Idle persons only intend , but do not perform____ons only intend , but do not perform . |
23 |
> Can a ____ also be a friendly person ? A stingy person may find it irksome to help a friend in need. He cannot, therefore, never be a friend in need. A miserly person will accumulate resources. This is a good thing. A Nation may prosper more if it has sufficient number of persons who conserve more and spend less. A parsimonious person may end up his life as a fruitful person , if he can release some resources to the people , at least during the fag end of his life. |
24 |
> Can a niggardly person also be a ____ ? A stingy person may find it irksome to help a friend in need. He cannot, therefore, never be a friend in need. A miserly person will accumulate resources. This is a good thing. A Nation may prosper more if it has sufficient number of persons who conserve more and spend less. A parsimonious person may end up his life as a fruitful person , if he can release some resources to the people , at least during the fag end of his life. |
25 |
> Can a niggardly person also be a friendly person ? A ____ may find it irksome to help a friend in need. He cannot, therefore, never be a friend in need. A miserly person will accumulate resources. This is a good thing. A Nation may prosper more if it has sufficient number of persons who conserve more and spend less. A parsimonious person may end up his life as a fruitful person , if he can release some resources to the people , at least during the fag end of his life. |
26 |
> Can a niggardly person also be a friendly person ? A ____ may find it irksome to help a friend in need. He cannot, therefore, never be a friend in need. A miserly person will accumulate resources. This is a good thing. A Nation may prosper more if it has sufficient number of persons who conserve more and spend less. A parsimonious person may end up his life as a fruitful person , if he can release some resources to the people , at least during the fag end of his life. |
27 |
> Can a niggardly person also be a friendly person ? A stingy person may find it irksome to help a friend in need. He cannot, therefore, never be a friend in need. A ____ will accumulate resources. This is a good thing. A Nation may prosper more if it has sufficient number of persons who conserve more and spend less. A parsimonious person may end up his life as a fruitful person , if he can release some resources to the people , at least during the fag end of his life. |
28 |
> Can a niggardly person also be a friendly person ? A stingy person may find it irksome to help a friend in need. He cannot, therefore, never be a friend in need. A miserly person will accumulate resources. This is a good thing. A Nation may prosper more if it has sufficient number of persons who conserve more and spend less. A ____ may end up his life as a fruitful person , if he can release some resources to the people , at least during the fag end of his life. |
29 |
> Can a niggardly person also be a friendly person ? A stingy person may find it irksome to help a friend in need. He cannot, therefore, never be a friend in need. A miserly person will accumulate resources. This is a good thing. A Nation may prosper more if it has sufficient number of persons who conserve more and spend less. A parsimonious person may end up his life as a ____ , if he can release some resources to the people , at least during the fag end of his life. |
30 |
A ____ rarely suits to be a Hollywood hero . |
31 |
A ____ may find it difficult to enjoy the restrictive contours of a conservative family life . |
32 |
A ____ he is, he always bore a pensive face . |
33 |
A ____ may have many admirers as well as enemies . |
34 |
A ____ may not be able to conceive a child. Our medical technology has to go a long way . |
35 |
A ____ , may sometimes face social stigma in conservative societies . |
36 |
A ____ is likely to gain in some other faculty , say identifying musical notes . Hinduism is a polytheistic religion. |
37 |
A ____ may have to lose sleep , while trying to remain safe . |
38 |
A doctor can never be an ____ , whatever may be his time constraints . |
39 |
A doctor cannot appoint a ____ as a nurse in his intensive care unit . |
40 |
A good number of netizens subscribe that an ____ will be a better administrator , than a democratic person . Which wing do you support . |
41 |
A good number of netizens subscribe that an authoritative person will be a better administrator , than a ____ . Which wing do you support . |
42 |
An ____ can be a better beautician . He can understand the feelings of his clientele . |
43 |
An ____ has to frequently wheeze with a piping sound . |
44 |
An ____ cannot enter into a legally enforceable agreement , when he is under a spell of temporary insanity . |
45 |
An idiot is an irretrievably ____ . |
46 |
Can we identify Hamlet as a ____ , the way he handled his love with Ophelia . |
47 |
Can we say that a ____ , cleanses all his sins , on this earth itself . |
48 |
Can't an ____ be a good author or musician ? We cannot confine talent to professionals . |
49 |
Claudius was never a ____ ; nor was Gertrude . |
50 |
Did Napoleon die an ____ . |
51 |
Did Napoleon die an un____ . |
52 |
Does Berlusconi want a ____ , as a judge to try him . |
53 |
Every ____ need not be a terrorist . |
54 |
Every citizen of a belligerant nation , need not be a ____ . |
55 |
Every person needs his four winks sometime or other . We cannot find a perfectly ____ . |
56 |
Is Mushraff, the former President of Pakistan, an ____ into Pakistan . |
57 |
John Milton wrote Paradise Lost when he was a ____ . |
58 |
Ophelia was an ____ . Hamlet could not appreciate or understand her affability . |
59 |
Our physical education teacher , funnily is not a ____ . He is too thin . |
60 |
Priests say that a ____ cannot find God . Does the God trust only the priests and not the infidel . |
61 |
Should a diabetic patient ever remain a ____ . |
62 |
Should every rex be an authoritarian or ____ . |
63 |
The Company wants an ____ to sell its insurance. The candidate must have an appetite to see people the whole day. |
64 |
The Government has erroneously appointed a ____ as the sheriff of the county. He is unable to work impartially . |
65 |
The Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank should be a ____ . He cannot be too short-sigted. |
66 |
The brothel has seen many-a- ____ , during its halcyon days . |
67 |
Was Antonio a more ____ , than Bassanio . |
68 |
Was Shylock not a ____ . |
69 |
Was the Duke in Shakespeare's Tempest , a ____ . |
70 |
We cannot say that every nude person adds to obscenity and vulgarity in the society. The percentage of nudeness is also important. A baby is born nude. Hollywood actresses often appear on the screen 95% nude. Mahatma Gandhi, sometimes appeared as a ____ wearing only a loin cloth. |
71 |
We cannot say that every____ adds to obscenity and vulgarity in the society. The percentage of nudeness is also important. A baby is born nude. Hollywood actresses often appear on the screen 95% nude. Mahatma Gandhi, sometimes appeared as a semi-nude person wearing only a loin cloth. |
72 |
We have , this time , a ____ as our class teacher. He enlivens the otherwise boring jurisprudence classes . |
73 |
We have, this time, an ____ , as the Vice Chancellor of our University. Every student and teacher in the University wants to rebel against him . |
74 |
Who is the most ____ in Shakespeare's play, 'Hamlet'? Gertrude . |