Shall we have a small quiz based on these words?
1fall of |
2fate of |
3fee of |
4feelings of |
5feet of |
6fidelity of |
7fire of |
8follies of |
9force of |
10forgets himself |
11formation of |
12formed of |
13fortitude of |
14fortune of |
15fountain of |
16friends of |
17full of |
1. Farraginous mountains are ____ materials and stones. |
2. Raise your sail one foot and you get ten ____f wind . The gem cannot be polished without friction. |
3. He is a fool that ____ himself . He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our back. |
4. Learn wisdom by the ____thers. |
5. Make ____ of those who are virtuous. |
6. Never cast dirt into that ____ which you have sometime drunk . Never do things by halves. |
7. Raising taxes, adds fuel to the ____nflation . To angle with a silver hook . |
8. The ____f the law is like a furnace that melts iron hearts . Reproof is beneficial to the reprover and the reproved. |
9.An apish person can be a better beautician . He can understand the ____his clientele . |
10.Apartment designs have to prevent ____ldren. |
11.Can anybody vouchsafe the ____y of a vagabond. |
12.Cholesterol deposits in bile, can lead to ____on of gallstones. |
13.Her dessertation is ____ footnotes . |
14.Is a ____$75 charged by Gilbert School to screen students before admission, excessive. |
15.The ____ a family made by oppression will naturally not be long enjoyed . |
16.U.N. Chief had praised the courage and ____de of the Chileans. Did he really intend it, or just a pep talk. |
17.Vicissitudes and wagaries of monsoons decide the ____mers, world over. |