Pl. fill in the blanks in questions 481 to 490 with the appropriate words. If necessary, you can compare with the key clicking: Click.
481. But now what manner of creatures are these which form these hard skeletons? I dare say that in these days of keeping ___________, of locomotion to the sea-side, most of those whom I am addressing may have seen one of those creatures which used to be known as the "sea anemone," receiving that name on account of its general resemblance, in a rough sort of way, to the flower which is known as the "anemone"; but being a thing which lives in the sea, it was qualified as the "sea anemone. [Thomas Huxley in his 'Corals and Coral Reefs']
482. The clock in the store registered mid-afternoon, but within a few minutes the sub-Arctic sun would set, night would fall, and ______ lights would glow in the west. [William MacLeod Raine in his 'Man Size'].
483. The total gross floor area should include all supporting functions such as vaults, kitchens used by staff, lobbies, atria, conference rooms and a_______a, fitness areas for staff, storage areas, stairways, elevator shafts, etc. The following information is required for a Bank/Financial Institution Space.
[A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Website].
484. Newborn a______a—an infant's failure to begin or sustain breathing—is a serious problem in resource poor countries where births do not occur in a health care facility.[A National Institute of Child Health website].
485. All hangs together. Deny Original Sin, and you will soon deny free will;--then virtue and vice;--and God becomes 'A_________a'; a sound, nothing else. [S.T. Coleridge in his 'Letter to the Lord Bishop of Rochester'].
486. Animal phobias--cynophobia (dogs), equinophobia (horses), zoophobia (all animals)--are common. So are arachnophobia (spiders) and ophidiophobia (snakes). And, of course, there's the fear of flying (pterygophobia), heights (a________a), and confined spaces (claustrophobia).
[A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Website].
487. Of these a_____a to his story not one is more incredible than that of the rukh, and yet that addendum may be regarded as indicating the transition from the utterly incredible to the admixture of truth with fiction in bird-lore. [James R. McClymont in his 'Essays on early Ornithology: The rukh of Marco Polo'].
488. I believe this is a formula for continuing the prosperity we've enjoyed, but also expanding it in ways we have yet to discover. It is an economics of inclusion. It is the a____a of a government that knows its limits and shows its heart. [President George Bush].
489. Virginia's Standards of Learning A_____a Readiness Initiative was approved by the General Assembly for implementation [A Virginia State, Department of Education website].
490. A______a areata is a disease that affects the hair follicles, which are part of the skin from which hairs grow. In most cases, hair falls out in small, round patches about the size of a quarter. [National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases].