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Friday, August 27, 2010

#890 - 614 LMNOs

# 614 LMNO's

L-M-N-O are four consecutive letters in English alphabet.

'O' is a vowel . Others are consonants .

How many words we can design , using these four letters in combination with the remaining 22 letters ?

Ans : Approx. 614 words.

I present below a marathon quiz based on these 614 words . I personally believe that your active vocabulary will jump by another 614 words, if you take some pains to complete this exercise, which I have painstakingly compiled.

Hover your mouse on the blanks , to see the suggested answer , if you do not have adequate time to apply your mind.

Words in the selection box have been given by me in alphabetic order.

The quiz sentences have been jumbled.

The Answer table is in the order of the quiz sentences .

abdominal , abnormalities , abnormality , abnormally , abominably , acclamations , acclimatisation , accomplishment , accomplishments , accumulations , acknowledgements , acknowledgment , acknowledgments , acrimoniously , agglomerating , agglomeration , agglomerations , alimony , allotments , almond , almonds , amalgamations , amelioration , amplification , amplifications , anatomically , anomalies , anomalous , anomalously , anomaly , assimilation , astronomically , autonomously , bimonthly , binomial , blooming , blossoming , bonemeal , campanological , campanologist , campanology , cardiopulmonary , ceremonial , ceremonially , ceremonials , ceremoniously , chameleons , circumlocution , circumlocutions , clamouring , clampdown , collimation , column , columnar , columned , columnist , columnists , columns , comeliness , comfortingly , commandingly , commendable , commendably , commensurately , commonality , commonly , commonplaces , commonsensical , commonwealth , communal , communality , communally , companionably , compartmentalisation , compartmentalised , compartmentalising , compassionately , compellingly , competently , compilation , compilations , complacency , complacent , complacently , complain , complainant , complainants , complained , complainer , complaining , complainingly , complains , complaint , complaints , complaisant , complement , complementarity , complementary , complemented , complementing , complements , completeness , completion , complexioned , complexions , compliant , complication , complications , compliment , complimentary , complimented , complimenting , compliments , complying , comprehensibility , comprehensible , comprehensibly , comprehensively , compulsions , computationally , concealment , concomitantly , conformal , conformational , conglomerate , conglomerated , conglomerates , conglomeration , constitutionalism , consumables , consummately , contemplate , contemplated , contemplates , contemplating , contemplation , contemplations , contemplative , contemplator , contemporaneously , contemptibly , contumely , conventionalism , cosmopolitans , criminological , criminologist , criminologists , criminology , culmination , demolition , demolitions , demonstrably , demoralising , demountable , deployment , deployments , developmental , developmentally , developments , dimensionality , dimensionally , dimensionless , disembowelment , disillusionment , dolmen , dominantly , economically , elastodynamics , electrodynamics , electroencephalogram , electroluminescent , electromagnet , electromagnetic , electromagnetically , electromagnetism , electromechanical , electromechanics , eliminations , eliminator , elopement , emasculation , emboldened , emboldening , emboldens , embroiling , emollient , emolument , emoluments , emotionalism , emotionality , emotionally , emotionless , employing , employment , employments , emulation , emulations , emulsions , endoplasmic , enrolment , enrolments , entomological , entomologist , entomologists , entomology , environmental , environmentalism , environmentalist , environmentalists , environmentally , ergonomically , exclamations , exemplification , flamboyance , flamboyant , flamboyantly , flamenco , formalin , formalisation , formalisations , formulating , formulation , formulations , fullmoon , fulmination , fulminations , galvanometric , gloaming , homeland , homelands , homogeneously , hooliganism , hormonally , humiliation , humiliations , iconoclasm , illumination , illuminations , immobilising , immolation , immunological , immunologically , immunologist , immunologists , immunology , impersonality , impersonally , implementation , implementations , implications , imploding , imploringly , implosion , imponderables , incombustible , incomparably , incompatibilities , incompatibility , incompatible , incompatibly , incompetently , incompletely , incompleteness , incomprehensibility , incomprehensible , incomprehensibly , indomitable , infamously , inflammation , inflammatory , informality , informally , informational , insurmountable , insurmountably , interdenominational , internationalism , involvement , involvements , isolationism , kleptomaniac , kleptomaniacs , lamentation , lamentations , lamination , lampoon , lampooned , lampoonery , lampooning , lampoons , landforms , lawnmowers , legitimation , legitimisation , lemon , lemonade , lemons , limestones , limitation , limitations , limousine , limousines , lissomness , lobotomising , lodgement , lonesome , lonesomeness , lovemaking , luminosities , luminosity , luminous , luminously , magnanimously , magnetohydrodynamical , magniloquent , magnolia , magnolias , malcontents , malefaction , malefactions , malevolence , malevolent , malevolently , malformation , malformations , malfunctioned , malfunctioning , malfunctions , maliciousness , malnourishment , malnutrition , mandolin , mandolins , manholes , manifold , manifolds , manipulations , manipulators , manly freedom , manoeuvrability , manoeuvrable , marginalisation , matriculation , matrimonially , matronly , medallion , medallions , megalomaniac , megalomaniacs , melancholia , melancholic , melancholies , melancholy , melanoma , melanomas , melatonin , mellifluousness , melons , metalworking , methanol , metropolitan , microanalyses , microelectronics , milestones , militarisation , millionaire , millionaires , millions , millionth , millionths , millisecond , milliseconds , millpond , millstones , mindbogglingly , mineralogy , misapplication , miscalculations , mistranslation , mistranslations , mitochondrial , mnemonically , mobilisation , modelling , modularising , modulating , modulation , modulations , molestations , momentarily , monarchical , moneylenders , moneyless , mongols , mongrelise , mongrelize , mongrels , monocled , monoclonal , monocular , monoculture , monogamously , monolayer , monolayers , monolingual , monolith , monolithic , monoliths , monologue , monologues , monomial , monomials , monomolecular , monoplane , monopole , monopoles , monopolies , monopolisation , monopolise , monopolised , monopolises , monopolising , monopolist , monopolistic , monopolists , monopoly , monorail , monostable , monosyllabic , monosyllable , monosyllables , monotonically , monotonously , monstrously , monthly , monumentally , moonless , moonlight , moonlighting , moonlit , moorland , moorlands , motherland , mothersinlaw , motionless , motionlessly , motivational , motorcycling , mouldings , moulting , mournful , mournfully , mournfulness , mullions , multifunction , multifunctional , multinational , multinationals , multiplications , multiprogramming , mutational , mutilation , mutilations , mutinously , nationalism , neologism , neologisms , neoplasm , neoplasms , noblemen , nomenclatures , nominal , nominally , normalcy , normalisable , normalisation , normalisations , normalise , normalised , normaliser , normalisers , normalises , normalising , normality , normally , normals , numerologist , numerologists , numerology , nympholepsy , oilmen , olympian , omnidirectional , orientalism , outplacement , overemotional , oversampling , oversimplifications , overwhelmingly , palindrome , palindromes , palindromic , paranormal , phenomenally , phenomenological , phenomenologically , phenomenologists , phenomenology , philharmonic , phonemically , ploughmen , plutonium , policemen , policewomen , polynomial , polynomially , polynomials , proclamations , prominently , promulgation , promulgations , pronominal , provincialism , reclamations , recompilations , recompiling , reconcilement , redeployment , reformulating , reformulation , reformulations , romantically , runofthemill , salmonella , salmons , selfgovernment , semicolons , simpleton , simpletons , simplification , simplifications , simulation , simulations , simultaneous , simultaneously , smallholding , smallholdings , smouldering , solanum , solemn , solemnities , solemnity , solemnly , somersaulting , somnambulist , somnolence , somnolent , stimulation , subnormal , sulphonamides , surmountable , symbolisation , telecommunications , telecommuting , terminologies , terminology , testimonial , testimonials , thermodynamical , thermodynamically , threedimensional , toolmaking , totalitarianism , trampoline , trampolines , trampolining , trampolinist , transformational , troublesomeness , twodimensional , unceremoniously , uncomfortable , uncomfortableness , uncomfortably , uncommonly , uncomplaining , uncomplainingly , uncompleted , uncomplicated , uncomplimentary , undemocratically , underdevelopment , uneconomical , unemotionally , unemployable , unemployed , unemployment , unglamorous , unmelodious , unmemorable , unmentionables , unmodifiable , unwelcome , unwelcoming , venomously , ventriloquism , vermilion , watermelon , watermelons , welcoming , wholesomeness , womanly , womenfolk , workmanlike


The______studies mechanical devices and processes which are electromagnetically controlled .
All things are presumed to be done withhe usual______.
The Company charges______for its training services .
We rarely find______living males in Saudi Arabia .
Is______, a term lighter than prettiness ?
Living cells may die owing to______dysfunction .

The Greeks adored their gods by the simple______of kissing their hands.

His______are too low in the job .
The Democrats and Republicans have stopped ,______debating public issues .

Can we______link osteoporosis with Aestrogen ?
The world's only______operated garden employing deep sea water to cool plant roots is in Hawaii .

He writes quite______.
The______studies insects .
Do you prefer a sweet______to grapes ?

The______of Afghanistan could not stop drug trafficking .
Youth prefer______to scooting .
The factory employs a number of______to fuel the generators when needed .
The book is replete with______.
Romans built huge______structures adorned with triangular arches .
Only Communist societies can dream of truly______distribution methods .
The dictionary has undergone______by different scholars in different countries .
Media is______at the monastery .
She replied using______in a whispering tone .
A last minute______delayed the launch of the satellite .
The film didn't display______.
Divisions and______are extensions of deductions and additions .
Many accounting packages facilitate______book-keeping .
Coffee powder and sugar are______.

She sang in such an______manner that the audience became restless .
The______of jaw bones can worsen the cosmetic features of a person's face .
Are politicians cleverer ? the______cleverer ?
A politician has to indulge in______; else he cannot explain his failures .
The______of her appointment can take place at any moment .
Which force on this Earth is______?
Courts and Universities have to function______, but they rarely do .
Can we get solarpowered______?
The Party President has spoken______to the candidates who have lost their elections .
Do Puritans suffer from a wanton______?
Several______of swamps near the shore have not succeeded .
The Detroit City is on a______spree.

We have to foresee and consider the______before embarking on an manned adventure to Mars .
He has______skills .
A______adjective can be suffixed with -er and -est , to get comparative and superlative degrees .
Our Company is introducing a byke which is environmental regulation______.
He likes fair______girls .
Why Churchil is not blamed of a______?
The visiting President is______invited to address the Parliament .
The______is too sweet to drink .
My son______to study medicine , but he had to content himself with a pharmacy course .
An______can also fall ill .

Our eyes have a three dimensional vision unlike ordinary photos and films which are______.
The______appliances are gradually replacing the hand operated tools .
He uses______to reduce weight of envelopes .
Does New York City include the______of Brooklyn ?

Several small towns______into the present City .
Does the subject of______deals with the dynamics of elastic objects ?
An______done one's own duty , is better than well-done duty of others .

The crowd behaved so______that the police had to use water canons to disperse them .

God is one of the names which we give to that eternal, infinite, and______being, the Creator of all things.
The______takes place when a single crop is cultivated continuously with no crop-rotation .
A______should not cause hurt .
The associates of the departed leader______placed wreaths on his body .
My friend is a good______player . He is a born musician .
I learnt______theorem in my school mathematics , but I am unable to recollect it now .
Can we say that there is or there no______in Shakespeare's dramas ?
The______of the communication resulted in revoking the letter of credit .
We are not yet fully accustomed to the nuances of______.
Is the diagnosis of brain tumors easier with______?
We cannot appoint______as inspectors or judges ?

Plans must ponder over practicalities of projects , apart from the resource______problems .

The______of Vatican procedures is not easy .

Our______are like drops in oceans.
Thinking that the earth is flat can be______, though not factual or scientific .

Which is the most______nation in the world ?
Does raw sugar get bleached on a layer of______?
The______of the poorer sections from the developmental process , is an important consequence of financial reforms .
She______bore the torture inflicted by him .
The______of American Highways , also depends on the vehicle used for transport .

Stellar distances are______and terrifyingly long .
The Company is very meticulate in______with the safety regulations .
Public sector units should not become unmanageable______.
My friend is a______. He juggles with numbers .
His spouse is______very cooperative .
Why there is so much______in Lexington and Louisville?
Acts of devotion become futile, unless the______and ethically uplift people.
Poor have to starve in______food markets , particularly during droughts .

My______with the intelligentia has made me a sceptic .
A spectrophotometer compares______of different colors in a spectrum .
Every country has its own band of______. Otherwise who will arrange Expos ?
The______could not arrive at a consensus over the phenomenon of human evolution in different continents as a concurrent process .

Nothing______sin so much as mercy.
Training of airline pilots involves significant______exercises .
The elephant______garlended the dignitary .
Do______related persons tend to be more friendly when compared to consanguineal persons ?
The______crowd rhythmically chanted the name of the departed leader .
Do______processes help us to make more efficient heat engines ?
The______studies motions which electromagnetic fields induce .
A______can be an isolated magnetic north pole or south pole. It is a hypothetical theoretical concept .
An unworthy opinion of God is______.
Stellar calculations are______complex .
Have you ever seen an______supporting hotels on river beds ?

She learnt her bitterest lesson in______at an age of sixteen .
The spring, the summer, the chiding autumn, angry winter, change their wonted liveries
Sweet daughter of a rough and stormy sire, hoar Winter's______child,delightful SpringMrs. Barbauld .
We have to use an______to reduce the voltage to 110 volts .

We should not only identify a solution , but also draw a roadmap of______.
A______is of great significance in launching satellites .
A food-writer should also bother about the______of his readers .
Religions are like______, around the followers' necks .
Do Russians encourage______?
Do sunburns aggravate the symptoms of______?
The______of her voice compensates for the expressionless of her face .
The two World wars definitely constitute important______in the world history .

An______contented life ensures longevity .
He specialises in treatment of______ailments .
The concentrations of mercury traced in some medical______, have led to the latest ban .
The statute remains incomprehensible in spite of numerous______.
Are software engineers produced in this country ,______? So do the IT Companies say .
This nuclear plant functions with a______fuel .
Siddhardha______lifted the injured swan , while Devadatta looked condescendingly .

Heads of State of almost all the countries in the world have purchased bulletproof______.
A Federal State encourages______and there may be regional conflicts .
Chemistry has undergone several______.
They have designed the website quite______.
She moved______in her bed , unable to bear the pain .

The______are plants which have an aromatic bark .
Can we call a ' nano ' , the a______of a millionth part of something ?
Obama's speech ended up as a______.
A few______are unavoidable where a huge volume of messages is handled .
A heterosexual behaving______in sexual relations , will become a problem to his family .
Every religion is full of______conflicts and rivalries .

The TV channels have already deleted______from his speech .
Do______favor beach-side desalienation plants ?
Worship is easy ;______is difficult .
Atheism, doesn't it communicate______or warmth?

The______of nuclear technology can ruin the humanity .
Are most LCDs are______i.e. have only one stable state ?
Our cattle-keepers do not like______like crossed murra buffaloes .
We shall lift the curphew , when the sitution becomes at least______.

Religious and sacred books round the world are hardly______, round the world .

The town has a______culture , though it is small .
Some database packages use the term ' field ' for '______' in a table .
Polythine packing bags have become an______problem.

She felt the royal dress quite______.
Western Powers are______for economic sanctions against Iran .
The huffing Head Master of the School had to leave______.
The singer is adept in______of his voice .
The______is a new formation of a tissue as a result of some morbid action .
Diplomacy includes daily______.
The MD's pep talk has an______effect on the marketing team .
Some countries consider______as greater than heaven .
Those who perform somersaults on______should be alert and cautious .

The camel carries the load, but it is the tick that______.
Thousands of people shell out______of dollars to have unsightly dimples removed from their derrieres.
The British Government employs a large force of______.

Capital destroys small-scale production and creates______for Capitalists.
Verbs of incomplete predication need adjective______, to complete the sense .
The CEO______every guest , shook with them .
The price offered by you for our instruments , is______.
Many Chinese goods are______cheap .
We cannot______politics by mixing it up with philosophy. Really ?
compliant mandolin molestations______

She behaves so______that her husband has become henpecked .
The______in the layers of Earth's crust can cause earth quakes .
Are______and formaldehyde same substances ?
Her normal expressionless face is filled with______.

If idleness does not produce vice or malevolence, it commonly produces______.
The______of the kite in the tree distressed the kids .
Are the relations between Iran and USA______?
How to measure the intensity of______waves ?
The______in art , is a recent phenomenon .

The______visage of medicine is barely recognizable.

Formulations and______of story-lines run routinely in Hollywood .
Some observers say that sonsinlaw in Europe dread their______.
This proposed reconstruction of the Company plans widespread______of staff .

We do not act wisely when we vent______and censure people.
A survey becomes cumbersome , when______is undertaken .
Training of an aircraft pilot is full of______.
An______custom-designed mortgage deed may have legal lacuna .
The batteries of the satellite______and the satellite lost touch with the ground controls .
Some windows applications are______rigid on other operating systems .

Despair tells us that difficulties are______.

Serious______is ubiquitous in Sub-Saharan Africa .
The investigation agency is searching for an efficient______.
The rights campaignor was arrested for making______speeches .
The Government expects that the law and order position will imporve after the______of additional forces .
Why frequent child molestations are taking place in Roman Catholic
A reputed web-designer is______the source code and the sitemaps for our Company's website .
Some presidential candidates displayed______and paid the price for it .

A______teacher can never inspire his students .
Users now-a-days prefer ' ceremonious ' to 'ceremonial' .
Many gorgeous , ostentatious______tend to be tedious and expensive .
Is______scientific ?

Which is the most______material on this Earth ? Water ?

Is mercury______?
FBI is a______; it does not have either sensibility or sense .
The art of caricature is not baffoonery or______.
The Trust deducts a______amount as its service charge .
What is a______in some countries , may be taboo in some other countries .
Is China replacing USA , as the land of______?

The______used in Railway control rooms and air traffic control rooms are divergent .
The anchor specialised in______her tone .

An act, or deed begun, the______of which depends upon the will of the parties, may be revoked .
Are calling bells made______sensitive ?
The______studies have not sufficiently proved that turmeric promotes the growth of salmonella .

That candidate______withdrew from the contest , making a unanimous election possible .
Is______rampant in Mali , a Northwest African country ?

Is there an easy process of______granular substances and powders ?
His______to the Ph. D Course is under scrutiny .

Do the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats need an urgent______?
She______delivered her dialogues in spite of being angry and disturbed .
The door-bell functions on the principles of______.
Does______a popular drug infringes copyright laws ?
Can't Vatican capably control child______in some monasteries ?
The prices of food items have gone up______.
We have to take the______of the homosexuality seriously .

Uttering the sounds p, t, k can result in a slight______in the mouth .

Its grants of power to the federal government and its______of the power of the States were determined in the light of emergency, and they are not altered by emergency.

Why does everybody highlights Hitler's______?

There is a presumption in favour of______.
She has not yet received her first______. The Company has not yet fixed it .
Only______believe that everything white is milk .
Politicians encourage______to make electoral gains .
This nobel prize winning novel is suffering from______.
To______does not necessarily mean to implement .
The______from the Vatican were turned into
ridicule. (Ayliffe) .
The______spread all over the sky like a silver ring .
The school______displays the names of school-toppers .
The______of the plan had run out of ideas .
Her profession is______; her pastime is singing .
Dutch winter cuisine uses plenty of hot chocolat
E Coli and______are food-born illnesses.
The______spirit of James Cook is exemplary .
Is there a______of relationship between bricks and cement ?

The______map of the organism's gene is yet to be drawn .
Her habitual______do not evoke sympathy .

Propaganda of religious fundamentalists deepens the______hatred.
Is______a poisonous alkaloid ?
Can we get a CD of______useful rhymes for children ?
The Bank offers medium term loans with repayment in equated ______instalments .
Gays are not______in their sexual behavior .
Essays need conciseness and______.

The Mount of Immortality is______tall .

Governments want to indulge in______of everything under the sky .
River beds are suitable for cultivation of______.
A modern poet has characterized the personality of art and the______of science, as follows: Art is I: Science is We .
Persons cannot be______for their short stature .
Can we______Marxism , by mixing it with Capitalism ? No , not .
We can use 'er' and 'est' for comparing______adjectives .
The particular media channel specialises in______of controversial issues .
The______of a star may take place either at day time or night time .
Does US believe that Israel has______its relations with Syria ?
Media support______the MP to castigate the Government .
The Government of any country must encourage______industries .

Blessedness consists in the______of our desires, and in our having only regular desires.
The words which spell identically both from left to right and right to left , are treated as______.
Seas undergo floods and ebbs on______nights .
The Club______to raise the prize money .
The______of the software to Linux , has limited the marketability of the software .
Security issues cannot be handled______.
The beak of a______appears as though broken .

The______gentleman does not like using binoculars .
The boss appreciated his Secretary's______nature .
Our Engineering College is experiencing a deceleration of______.
Most______words perform the functions of adjectives also .
A______seems to be heading the Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee .

Ignorance is a vacuity in which the soul sits______and torpid for want of attraction.

The______jurisprudence needs a paradigm shift in the context of cross-boundary terrorism .

Implementations have to follow______.

Is there a sufficient number of______in the investigation team ?

This essay has too many______.
The Company has installed a number of______to obtain accurate blending .
Youth needs no______; old age needs .
The______has failed to submit sufficient evidence to prove his allegations .
Do schools using electric gong bells use the services of a______?
Diarrheea is a river-fish______.

Hundreds of citizens disappear , falling in______during heavy downpours .
Young people learn more from______than criticism.
Have you ever seen a bird______its feathers (changing its feathers) ?
Why do Governments sell the______wines ?

The student submitted a fake______at the time of admission .

The Government is engaged in______population statistics .
Comedians have traditionally played a______role in the 20th Century films .
The______of theology is not easy to appreciate .
,281: Our Company supplies______designed computer chairs .
Science and______do not go together .
The______of licenses done in different cities have received flak from different quarters .
At what rate , do newspapers pay their______?

Different types of crystals may undergo different______when heated and cooled repeatedly .
Greed and avarice run______.
Can______beams of light generate heat ?

What is the______of God ? He has no limits i.e infinite .
Couple with______habits seldom live harmonious lives .
Importing vaccine in time , is______foresighted .

She spoke so______that he is unable to respond to her requests .
Afghanistan is keen on______its domestic peace .
The President______the Olympic Gold Medalist .
Disputes will become eternal and perennial if there are no laws of______.
Human tail is______extinct ; isn't it ?

She______loses her consciousness and regains it without any medical treatment .
The______made by the Government have not been duly notified .

Is______a real bane ?
My blog is only a______blog . It is only in English .
It is difficult to prepare any mixture 100%______.
Telescopes often need______of eyepieces , rendering them parallel to a certain line .
I found an______, when I opened the calling bell .

Most American southbound streams lack glaciers and flow through______.
There are few______elements in the HRD training programmes launched by the Company .
This nomenclature needs to be redesigned______.
This market is full of______and oranges .
Fiction or non-fiction ,______is important .
Action is generally defective, and proves an abortion without previous______.

This breed of poultry cannot endure______temperatures .
Are some American States______more sensitive than others ? I do not think so ?
My daughter______to her mother .
Does estrangement cause______?
We have to______study the birth , life and death .
The______by the General Manager could not improve the performance of the Marketing Manager .

A______is a preChristian celtic monument .
Her conversation is full of______and interjections .
The teens are the age when we visualise everything______.
Constancy is the______of all the other human virtues.
The final list of interviewees will appear after some______.
A religion cannot encourage______of children .
The______of curfew in the City , helped the blackmarketers to make a quick buck .
The______of diamonds remains to be standardised .
A person with determination can overcome______problems with ease and insurmountable problems with perseverance .
A person living in a tropical country has to undergo______in a temperate country or a coniferous country .

A little government______is just as dangerous as a lot means: to protect him from physical violence.
Even______companies can be greedy and bloodsucking .

Research associates are to be______compensated for their labors .
What is______called friendship even is only a little more honor among rogues.
What is the______of Sun ?
I do not know how to eliminate______water between two hydroxyl bridges; All this is geek to me .
The battle was closed when______set in .
My girlfriend is______communicative .
The______of this country are mostly illiterate .
Can______of kidneys lead to heart attacks?
Can a______be happy , if a billionaire is in his neighborhood ?

Many______of the Bibles have many interpolations .
Some poverty alleviation programs provide only______and not emancipation .
New York State is______a tax on sugary drinks; pretext:
Nigerian massacres are hideous.

Democratic State______make wonderfully submissive slaves.

An apology need not necessarily be an______of accusations and guilt .
Does Rap music have______curative medical properties ?

Which country has the most______constitution ?
Preachers and Prison guards have one thing in common-- they expect______behavior .

What a Company it is which produces vaxines without______a bacteriologist !
Our city does not have even a single______.

Desires lead to______and involvements lead to bondages and disappointments .
A______algebraic term consists of only one term ; eg. 4a .

A______and a Socratese have same symptoms, when suffering from the same disease.
You never realize how short a month is until you pay______(John Barrymore) .
I have seen some______who dedicated their life to the study of insects .
The meteor touched the earth______and with a bang .
The______indulged in by some Mathematics teachers only confuse the students .
Some banks encourage______mortgages of properties offered to them as security .
No party which cherishes democratic values can encourage______.

Men love liberty because it protects them from control and______by others.
My original degree certificates need______and preservation .
Can we use______in medical formulations ?
Some______do take place to Presidents and dictators after their removal .
Better be quarreling than______.
The Company could not obtain______for the gifts made to Government Officials.
The postwar______in the arena of English literature are worth studying .
He falls into______, whenever he sees a damsel .

Lenin felt that imperialism was the______stage of capitalism.
Life teaches us that______is easy and doing is difficult .
A______always aims at maximising his profit .

Did Obama get an______dominating majority in the Congress ?
Wishing of all,______is the worst.
Medieval sailors were familiar with______of yore .

She______left her home when life became unbearable .
That______dressed gentleman is our Company's Managing Director designate .
Was Hamlet famous for his______and notorious for his indecision ?
Transsexuals should not be allowed to live______; the society should help them .
The commissioning of the power plant is______a great stride .

Is extracting coal , a______of the Mother Earth ?
The______of several blood samples of typhoid patients show that salmonella is becoming drug-resistant .
The evolution of mobile phones into______instruments is phenomenal .
People seeking out-of-the-way favors approach______with bribes .
The subject of______explains many phenomena .
O Lord, how______are thy works ! (Psalms)
Conscience in us is like a modest star______pale, occasionally glowing brilliantly.
Does______of drugs help in improving their effectiveness ?
The murderers______destroyed all evidence .
Loss of appetite may result when liver______.
I spent several______nights at the resort .
The Company is______a new tooth paste which lathers less and yet cleans .
The______of the Princess with a pauper made big news in that kingdom .
U.S. cannot undertake and______democratising the World .
He______and pensive face indicated that something drastic and serious was to happen .
The______measurements help us to determine and measure the presence of electric currents in conductors .
The scholar specialised in______grammar .
Was Morocco the original______?

Thompson, newspaper______What pays under capitalism is satisfying the common man, the customer.
The______of the child drew its mother's attention momentarily .
The______may pale away into obscruity with the advent of nanoelectronics .

This______Director wrote his own script and screenplay aided by a ghostwriter .
Do we need______supplements to fight sleep deprivation ?

In______, voice seems to emerge from a doll in the hands of the speaker , though the speaker himself speaks .

He has a few______qualities .

We cannot listen to______of sounds from maternity and nuptial rooms .
Is______a percussion instrument ?
The attorney has carefully preserved the______received from the defendents .
The______of the cell phone of the accused , did not help the investgators of the crime .

Jawa is portable and does not cause______.
Is______a fatal poison , though an alcohol ? Does it cause blindness ?
Even a______of equity shares is adequate to get a right to attend Shareholders' Meetings .
The renewed interest of the Westerners in mysticism and______is making them to visit China and India often.
The additional______of the troups have not yet reported at the camps .
We can create______images using the software .
The______of the dictionary will take more time .
The sellers' market is dominated by______.
We cannot cleanse______of sins with confessions .
Our City has a good______museum .

The______of the law are to be observed .

Inborn constitutional______can lead to homosexuality.

Ambitious princes turn______when they find that pleasures are transient.
The______outlay in the budget , has exceeded the administrative expenditure .
The______passing through coconut leaves is creating myriad images .
The very______held by him do not make a marketable lot in the stock exchange .

China was the______of acupuncture .
Should the former employer pay for the terminated employee's search for a new job in the______process ?
Many______have cropped up in implementing the Health Reforms .

We are yet to conduct ,______studies on the exact nature of electric current .
This______from our Company has been patented in United States .
He is indisposed with______spasms .
The______tedious film , is unable to draw crowds .
Are______indicative of cancer risk ?
Schools must spot and encourage______talent .
Monolithic organisations treat their employees quite______.
A______regent can kill the crown prince without inhibitions .

Words become______when the poet's finger has passed over them its phosphorescence.
A belovedless lover is like a______night .
Are______rarely used in China and Russia ?
The relations between the two countries are______.
Politicians have to take______on them , with light spirit .
There is a______of interests between the two riparian States of the Colarado River .
This coastal steel plant is not______viable .
The______, when stretched beyond limits , can become Fascism .
Does a kidney look like an______?

A______of religious scriptures can cause strife .
The word 'madam' is an example of a______.
Tractormen replaced______in agriculture .
Security guards are______that the apartments are having too many visitors .
A dish of yoghurt______the diet in many countries .
The______undertaken by the City Corporation have made many poor families homeless .
The Company made the______ready to make the statuettes .
Dictionaries must encourage______.

A ______ is a notional single isolable magnetic north or south pole. .
The rock formations of______of limestone .
Were some______of the Nobel laurate stolen ?
Who can truly enjoy______? A person who does not have sensuality or sensual desires .

Dictators and______are synonymous .
She could , with her______face , could get few roles in Hollywood.
Has the Railway Catering System been______by one Company ?
Restoration of______should be our top priority .

The______of diplomatic ties between Iran and Iraq will take some time .
The University______opined that the particular insect species is going to become extinct .
Were______the ancestors of the Moghul dynasty which ruled 16th Century India ?
The environmentally______design of the project has been approved by the Cabinet Sub-Commitee .
He joined a Fine Art school , after completing his______.
MS Office is a______package covering divergent applications .
Some rich stars have ended up as______, inexplicably .
Should a College Principal always behave______? Can't he be more humane ?

We must assess the sociopolitical______of health reforms .
Does the power plant employ______methods and processes ?
Have______resulted in a misunderstanding of Karl Marx ?
Is the abrupt removal of the military head in Afghanistan______the American forces ?
The doctor______drove out the poor patient .
Small intestines play a great role in______of the digested food into blood .
The______are making false allegations .
Many______for external walls are available in the market .

The urban______of the Detroit City is in a stagnating stage .
Active______is a phenomenon of the 20th Century .

In general, a man in his younger years does not easily cast off a certain______self-conceit.
Can we create highly uniform stem cells by employing______culture technology ?

Earth is______not a perfect sphere .
We rarely use______(single words) as botanical names .
Additions of urban______aggravate the congestion and pollution .
Mahatma Gandhi taught his ideals by demonstration and______.
He left early leaving the______work .
The theme of the film is not congenial to______.
We can calculate net______outlook by taking the percentage of employers planning to hire and subtracting it by those planning to lay off workers.
Some educationists do not appreciate the______policies of the Government .
We beg the God______for riches .

Through every rift of discovery some seeming______drops out of the darkness, and falls as a golden link in the great chain of order .

A good man must imagine______and intensely.
The______structure of Pentagon cannot derive benefits of a modular approach .
The______gestures of the receptionist repelled guests and the hotel lost revenue .

The______of the pistol brand , led to its disappearance from the market .
Priests______preach for hours and do not practice an iota of what they preach .

Is fallus worship a______of human penis and its instinctive urges ?
I often experience______, whenever I have to enter an air-conditioned room .
We can find people of different______in the Indian sub-continent .
Unforeseen______invariably follow some complex surgical procedures .
Old age is concomitant with______.
Nations cannot act with______in protecting their territorial contours .
People cannot tolerate______functioning rulers for long .

She was______stout and imperturbably serene (James Henry) .
I dreamt of writing a______in New York Times , yesterday .

The starryeyed children watched every speeding______with awe.
The performance of the Brazillian football team was not 100%______.

A person can be______oriented homosexually and heterosexually .
How many______of a kilogram is a nanogram ?

The instantiations of satellite and______have made postal services obsolete .
We are to carry measure from the hand to the heart, to improve a______nicety into a substantial duty, and the modes of civility into the realities of religion.
The prices of______have firmed up .
Are______truly significant in a person's life ?
The______style of the Buckingham Palace impresses every visitor .
Companies undergo______, absorptions and reconstructions as a daily routine .
The organisers have issued too many______passes and the theater has no room for paying spectators .
Several computer programs run for a short period in rotation when we use______. It is a time-sharing technique .
Is an exhibition of paintings______created by different artists ever possible ?
State______need wide publicity .
The______content of the film is rather poor , when compared to its audio-visual appeal .
The______of youth in a pub culture takes place too quick .
The town has a number of______industries .

Are the American States seized with the task of the______of gay marriages .
How to______the rising global temperatures ?

We cannot find______framed tax laws throughout the world .
Mills used to build dams and ponds called '______' to turn mill wheels .
,520: We cannot all be______.
Which nation prospered through______?
The music score for the Commonwealth Games is______ replete with disconsonant sounds .

Medieval writers excelled in______of plots and themes , which resulted in lengthy discourses and treatises .
The existence of isolable single magnetic______is uncertain. The idea is only a concept .

Asian films tend to be______.

River beds are suitable to cultivate______.
Minute______can lead to blunders in Space Programmes .
The Government is very______to the foreign industrialists .
Do historians find______in Napoleon's battles ?
Are desert paths more______? Or the hilly tracks ?
A person should have good______experience to settle down as a bell-ringer .
Vice is cherished and thrives by______.
My friend is fond of______in a forest during vacations .
Global gold prices are______souring .
July 4 is celebrated with great______.

Doctrines from scriptures, when wrung into controversies and______become dirty.
The______is unaware of the Government's difficulties .
The starlet lost many opportunities owing to her______appearance .

We can see the trees of______in North CArolina , Florida and Texas .

The Police should undergo a thorough grounding of______, the science of criminal offenses .
Every society has its own______.
We can find______(skin cancer) both in men and women .
Voice______greatly influence a program anchor's performance .
We can treat coffee seeds in a______, for controlling moisture level .
The Defence Counsel presented his arguments quite______.
Citizens of all nations love their______.

The cook produced a number of______from his previous employers .
The______of financial or internal or external emergency is not a simple affair constitutionally .
The trawlers have depleted the catch of______on our coast .
The couple has______fulfilled their marital vows with devotion .
A country which______its relationships with neighbors , can concentrate on development .
In which vitamin , are______rich ?
People with______thinking cannot live in pluralist countries .
The Government's______in handling the earthquake rescue work , has raised the loss of lives .
The Senator refused to withdraw the______remarks made by him against the President .

the land into a nursery, and______hired to protect us become selfserving busybodies.
The______of the food served at the restaurant tempted me to overstay .
The Prime Minister shook hands with the athlete , while______him for his achievements .
I am unable to grasp the______structure of the cell .
The window______were made of fine teak wood .
The science of______is yet to make progress in our country .

The walls of______of the American Society are getting stronger and thicker .

Treaties need______by consenting Nations through enactments made by their Parliaments .
Teachers do not expect______from their pupils .
Are Cement Cartels______and manipulating cement market ?
Is earth susceptible to______or exploding ?
Are______universal citizens ?
Unforeseen complex problems are______him into tardiness .

Egos of politicians and the quarrels of the______have precipitated the world to wars.
A soul may be______, if at all it exists .
Does plastics industry use______in making thin polythene bags ?

Many algebric formulae are______.
An MNC which______a country's markets , may jack up the prices of its products without hindrance .

The______of the telex message led to delayed payment .
A______may have a compulsive urge to steal .
' Hannah ' is a______word .
Which country produces the largest number of______films ?
My friend is a______, but not a guitarist .
The type of crops to grow , depends on the______such as wet , dry , saline etc .
The______are charging usurious rates of interest and adopting unethical methods to enforce recovery .
Our Mathes teacher gives little importance to______.

The______found snake is in the endangered species list .
The______of the beta version have not received adequate response .

Cerebritis is a brain diseases caused by the______of the cerebrum .
A trust______is better than misty binoculars .
Nuclear families and______go hand in hand .
A______has a minious red color .

He specialises in______, the science of rining bells .
An air of______is a part of true love .
Can we imagine an election which is free of unhealthy______?

Sovereignity includes______.
My daughter has______approached her mother .
This particular overhead projector is easily______.
Is shrimp-culture______disastrous ?
We cannot give any importance to______conceits in a democratic set up .

The death of Diana was______overexploited by the Media .
This______won by her is made of 24 carot gold .

The government was set to protect man from criminals What this country needs are more______politicians.
He upon whom fortune does not smile is sure to______that the world is hard .
The Orchestra has a number of______.
True art is a______page either of history or prophecy.
The music symphony dragged______.
Are______and fortnightly one and the same ?
The incident was so______filmed that it is rather clumsy .

A______expression consists of two or more terms connected by the signs plus or minus (eg. a - ab + b).
The surgeon injected some______to make the breasts supple .
His musical performances have received worldwide______.
American jurisprudence encourages______.
The City has taken up a______project to ease out the traffic problem .
A______designed pronunciation system is an asset for any language .

The grave is, the______which attains that dead flat of social equality.

The______are divided over the use of narco analysis for obtaining confessions .
Of______pain in two places, the lesser is obliterated by the greater .
Can a______commit crimes when he walks in sleep ?

1: electromechanics
,2: solemnity
,3: nominally
,4: monogamously
,5: comeliness
,6: mitochondrial
,7: compliment
,8: emoluments
,9: acrimoniously
,10: hormonally
,11: thermodynamically
,12: venomously
,13: entomology
,14: lemon
,15: militarisation
,16: motorcycling
,17: oilmen
,18: neologisms
,19: columned
,20: moneyless
,21: compilations
,22: unwelcome
,23: monosyllables
,24: complication
,25: emotionality
,26: multiplications
,27: columnar
,28: complementary
,29: unmelodious
,30: malformation
,31: chameleons
,32: circumlocutions
,33: formalisation
,34: omnidirectional
,35: autonomously
,36: lawnmowers
,37: comfortingly
,38: iconoclasm
,39: reclamations
,40: demolition
,41: imponderables
,42: workmanlike
,43: monosyllable
,44: compliant
,45: complexioned
,46: malefaction
,47: ceremonially
,48: lemonade
,49: contemplated
,50: immunologist
,51: twodimensional
,52: electromechanical
,53: manifolds
,54: agglomeration
,55: conglomerated
,56: elastodynamics
,57: incompetently
,58: mutinously
,59: incomprehensible
,60: monoculture
,61: lampoon
,62: mournfully
,63: mandolin
,64: binomial
,65: malevolence
,66: incompleteness
,67: telecommuting
,68: electroencephalogram
,69: manipulators
,70: mobilisation
,71: simplification
,72: accomplishments
,73: commonsensical
,74: philharmonic
,75: bonemeal
,76: marginalisation
,77: uncomplainingly
,78: manoeuvrability
,79: mindbogglingly
,80: complying
,81: monoliths
,82: numerologist
,83: companionably
,84: unemployment
,85: emotionally
,86: monopolistic
,87: disillusionment
,88: luminosities
,89: megalomaniacs
,90: phenomenologists
,91: emboldens
,92: simulation
,93: ceremoniously
,94: matrimonially
,95: mournful
,96: thermodynamical
,97: electrodynamics
,98: monoplane
,99: contumely
,100: computationally
,101: environmentalist
,102: lovemaking
,103: blooming
,104: eliminator
,105: implementation
,106: millisecond
,107: lissomness
,108: millstones
,109: numerologists
,110: melanoma
,111: mellifluousness
,112: milestones
,113: uncomplicated
,114: cardiopulmonary
,115: formulations
,116: simplifications
,117: unemployable
,118: plutonium
,119: compassionately
,120: limousines
,121: provincialism
,122: nomenclatures
,123: competently
,124: uncomfortably
,125: magnolias
,126: millionth
,127: monologue
,128: mutilations
,129: abnormally
,130: interdenominational
,131: unmentionables
,132: environmentalists
,133: emulation
,134: illumination
,135: misapplication
,136: monostable
,137: mongrels
,138: paranormal
,139: comprehensible
,140: metropolitan
,141: columns
,142: environmental
,143: uncomfortable
,144: clamouring
,145: unceremoniously
,146: modulation
,147: neoplasm
,148: somersaulting
,149: emboldening
,150: homeland
,151: trampolines
,152: complains
,153: millions
,154: policewomen
,155: monopolies
,156: complements
,157: welcoming
,158: uneconomical
,159: incomparably
,160: mongrelise
,161: monoclonal
,162: dominantly
,163: malformations
,164: formalin
,165: mournfulness
,166: melancholy
,167: lodgement
,168: normalisable
,169: electromagnetic
,170: internationalism
,171: matronly
,172: reformulations
,173: mothersinlaw
,174: redeployment
,175: complaints
,176: oversampling
,177: simulations
,178: anomalously
,179: malfunctioned
,180: incompatibly
,181: insurmountable
,182: malnourishment
,183: criminologist
,184: inflammatory
,185: deployment
,186: modularising
,187: flamboyance
,188: somnolent
,189: ceremonials
,190: numerology
,191: incombustible
,192: electroluminescent
,193: monolith
,194: lampoonery
,195: nominal
,196: normality
,197: millionaires
,198: terminologies
,199: modulating
,200: completion
,201: electromagnetically
,202: immunological
,203: magnanimously
,204: malnutrition
,205: agglomerating
,206: enrolment
,207: reconcilement
,208: motionlessly
,209: electromagnetism
,210: reformulating
,211: molestations
,212: phenomenally
,213: abnormality
,214: implosion
,215: limitations
,216: malefactions
,217: legitimation
,218: emolument
,219: simpletons
,220: communality
,221: incomprehensibility
,222: contemplate
,223: fulminations
,224: moonlighting
,225: prominently
,226: contemplator
,227: modelling
,228: salmonella
,229: indomitable
,230: complementarity
,231: mutational
,232: lamentations
,233: communal
,234: solanum
,235: mnemonically
,236: monthly
,237: normals
,238: completeness
,239: insurmountably
,240: monopolisation
,241: watermelons
,242: impersonality
,243: lampooned
,244: mongrelize
,245: monosyllabic
,246: amplification
,247: culmination
,248: normalised
,249: emboldened
,250: toolmaking
,251: accomplishment
,252: palindromes
,253: fullmoon
,254: contemplates
,255: incompatibility
,256: complacently
,257: flamenco
,258: monocled
,259: uncomplaining
,260: enrolments
,261: pronominal
,262: megalomaniac
,263: motionless
,264: criminological
,265: contemplations
,266: immunologists
,267: semicolons
,268: normalisers
,269: stimulation
,270: complainant
,271: campanologist
,272: complaint
,273: manholes
,274: compliments
,275: moulting
,276: lobotomising
,277: testimonial
,278: recompiling
,279: complementing
,280: terminology
,281: ergonomically
,282: conventionalism
,283: allotments
,284: columnists
,285: normalisations
,286: concomitantly
,287: conglomerate
,288: dimensionality
,289: incompatible
,290: immunologically
,291: incomprehensibly
,292: normalising
,293: complimented
,294: limitation
,295: anatomically
,296: momentarily
,297: promulgations
,298: underdevelopment
,299: monolingual
,300: homogeneously
,301: collimation
,302: electromagnet
,303: limestones
,304: motivational
,305: polynomially
,306: lemons
,307: comprehensibility
,308: contemplation
,309: subnormal
,310: communally
,311: complained
,312: melancholia
,313: phenomenologically
,314: fulmination
,315: dolmen
,316: exclamations
,317: romantically
,318: complement
,319: eliminations
,320: immolation
,321: clampdown
,322: mineralogy
,323: surmountable
,324: acclimatisation
,325: involvement
,326: multinational
,327: commensurately
,328: commonly
,329: luminosity
,330: monomolecular
,331: gloaming
,332: compellingly
,333: womenfolk
,334: malfunctioning
,335: millionaire
,336: recompilations
,337: amelioration
,338: contemplating
,339: compulsions
,340: acknowledgment
,341: demonstrably
,342: unmodifiable
,343: conformational
,344: employing
,345: olympian
,346: involvements
,347: monomial
,348: simpleton
,349: alimony
,350: entomologists
,351: luminously
,352: oversimplifications
,353: anomalous
,354: hooliganism
,355: humiliation
,356: lamination
,357: sulphonamides
,358: humiliations
,359: lonesome
,360: acknowledgements
,361: developments
,362: nympholepsy
,363: monopoly
,364: lampooning
,365: monopolist
,366: overwhelmingly
,367: employments
,368: moorlands
,369: unemotionally
,370: flamboyantly
,371: monologues
,372: abominably
,373: developmentally
,374: disembowelment
,375: microanalyses
,376: multifunctional
,377: informally
,378: phenomenology
,379: manifold
,380: normally
,381: reformulation
,382: malevolently
,383: malfunctions
,384: moonlit
,385: formulating
,386: elopement
,387: monopolise
,388: contemplative
,389: galvanometric
,390: transformational
,391: moorland
,392: columnist
,393: lamentation
,394: microelectronics
,395: flamboyant
,396: melatonin
,397: ventriloquism
,398: womanly
,399: amplifications
,400: trampoline
,401: acknowledgments
,402: immobilising
,403: incompatibilities
,404: methanol
,405: smallholding
,406: orientalism
,407: deployments
,408: threedimensional
,409: compilation
,410: monopolists
,411: accumulations
,412: entomological
,413: solemnities
,414: abnormalities
,415: melancholic
,416: developmental
,417: moonlight
,418: smallholdings
,419: motherland
,420: outplacement
,421: anomalies
,422: phenomenological
,423: formulation
,424: abdominal
,425: monstrously
,426: neoplasms
,427: blossoming
,428: impersonally
,429: malevolent
,430: luminous
,431: moonless
,432: melons
,433: smouldering
,434: lampoons
,435: commonality
,436: economically
,437: nationalism
,438: almond
,439: mistranslation
,440: palindrome
,441: ploughmen
,442: complaining
,443: complemented
,444: demolitions
,445: mouldings
,446: neologism
,447: monopole
,448: conglomerates
,449: medallions
,450: manly freedom
,451: totalitarianism
,452: emotionless
,453: monopolised
,454: normalcy
,455: normalisation
,456: entomologist
,457: mongols
,458: conformal
,459: matriculation
,460: multifunction
,461: kleptomaniacs
,462: commandingly
,463: implications
,464: magnetohydrodynamical
,465: mistranslations
,466: demoralising
,467: contemptibly
,468: assimilation
,469: complainants
,470: emulsions
,471: conglomeration
,472: environmentalism
,473: complacent
,474: monolayer
,475: dimensionally
,476: monomials
,477: agglomerations
,478: exemplification
,479: uncompleted
,480: emotionalism
,481: employment
,482: compartmentalising
,483: imploringly
,484: anomaly
,485: comprehensively
,486: monolithic
,487: unwelcoming
,488: troublesomeness
,489: solemnly
,490: symbolisation
,491: uncomfortableness
,492: complexions
,493: complications
,494: lonesomeness
,495: somnolence
,496: undemocratically
,497: monumentally
,498: column
,499: limousine
,500: commendable
,501: simultaneously
,502: millionths
,503: telecommunications
,504: ceremonial
,505: consumables
,506: milliseconds
,507: magniloquent
,508: amalgamations
,509: complimentary
,510: multiprogramming
,511: contemporaneously
,512: proclamations
,513: informational
,514: emasculation
,515: metalworking
,516: legitimisation
,517: normalise
,518: comprehensibly
,519: millpond
,520: noblemen
,521: isolationism
,522: monotonously
,523: circumlocution
,524: monopoles
,525: overemotional
,526: watermelon
,527: miscalculations
,528: complaisant
,529: maliciousness
,530: manoeuvrable
,531: campanological
,532: concealment
,533: trampolining
,534: astronomically
,535: illuminations
,536: commonplaces
,537: complainer
,538: unglamorous
,539: magnolia
,540: criminology
,541: malcontents
,542: melanomas
,543: modulations
,544: normaliser
,545: commendably
,546: homelands
,547: testimonials
,548: promulgation
,549: salmons
,550: consummately
,551: normalises
,552: almonds
,553: compartmentalised
,554: complacency
,555: uncomplimentary
,556: policemen
,557: wholesomeness
,558: complimenting
,559: endoplasmic
,560: mullions
,561: immunology
,562: compartmentalisation
,563: formalisations
,564: emulations
,565: monopolising
,566: imploding
,567: cosmopolitans
,568: embroiling
,569: multinationals
,570: dimensionless
,571: monolayers
,572: unmemorable
,573: monopolises
,574: mutilation
,575: kleptomaniac
,576: palindromic
,577: runofthemill
,578: trampolinist
,579: landforms
,580: moneylenders
,581: polynomials
,582: uncommonly
,583: implementations
,584: inflammation
,585: monocular
,586: melancholies
,587: vermilion
,588: campanology
,589: informality
,590: manipulations
,591: selfgovernment
,592: complainingly
,593: demountable
,594: environmentally
,595: monarchical
,596: infamously
,597: medallion
,598: unemployed
,599: complain
,600: mandolins
,601: solemn
,602: monotonically
,603: bimonthly
,604: incompletely
,605: polynomial
,606: emollient
,607: acclamations
,608: constitutionalism
,609: monorail
,610: phonemically
,611: commonwealth
,612: criminologists
,613: simultaneous
,614: somnambulist

page numbers


From Nov. 14, 2009.

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