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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

#891 - 190 CDEFs

C-D-E-F are four consecutive letters in English alphabet.

'E' is a vowel . Others are consonants .

How many words we can design , using these four letters in combination with the remaining 22 letters ?

Ans : Approx. 190 words.

I present below a long quiz based on these 614 words . I personally believe that your active vocabulary will jump by another 190 words, if you take some pains to complete this exercise, which I have laboriously compiled.

Some of the sentences used in this exercise are famous proverbs and quotes .`

Words in the selection box have been given by me in alphabetic order.

The quiz sentences have been jumbled.

The Answer table is in the order of the quiz sentences .

Hover your mouse on the blanks , to see the suggested answer , if you do not have adequate time to apply your mind.

affected , affectedly , afflicted , backfired , barefaced , camouflaged , centrefold , centrefolds , certificated , certified , chaffed , chauffeured , coalfield , coalfields , codifies , cofferdam , cofferdams , comforted , confederacy , confederate , confederates , confederation , confederations , confidante , confidantes , confided , confidence , confidences , confident , confidential , confidentiality , confidentially , confidently , confides , configured , confirmed , conflicted , confoundedly , confronted , confused , confusedly , cornfields , counterfeited , crafted , crossreferenced , crucified , cuffed , decaf , decaffeinate , decaffeinated , deceitful , deceitfulness , declassification , declassified , deface , defaced , defaces , defacing , defacto , defecate , defecating , defect , defected , defecting , defection , defections , defective , defectiveness , defectives , defector , defectors , defects , defence , defenceless , defencelessness , defences , deference , deficiencies , deficiency , deficient , deficit , deficits , deflected , deflecting , deflection , deflections , deflector , deflectors , deflects , defunct , demystification , desertification , differences , differencing , disaffected , disaffection , discomfited , discomfiture , disenfranchise , disenfranchised , disenfranchisement , disenfranchises , disenfranchising , disfranchise , disgracefully , disinfectant , disinfectants , disinfected , disinfecting , disinfection , disrespectfully , diversification , edifice , edifices , effected , facades , facilitated , factored , factorised , fancied , farfetched , fascinated , fecundity , fetched , fiddlesticks , filched , financed , fiscal deficit , flecked , fleeced , flinched , flocked , fluctuated , focussed , forced , forcefeed , forcefeeding , foreclosed , fratricide , fungicides , handkerchief , handkerchiefs , identifications , immunodeficiency , inflected , longfaced , misidentification , needlecraft , officiated , overconfident , pacified , perfected , prefabricated , reclassified , reconfigured , refocused , refocussed , resurfaced , sacrificed , sanctified , scarified , scuffled , selfcentred , selfcentredness , selfconfidence , selfconfident , selfcontrolled , selfdefence , selfdestruct , selfdestructed , selfdestructing , selfdestruction , selfdestructive , selfdestructs , selfdiscipline , shamefaced , shamefacedly , specified , thenceforward , unaffectedly , unconfined , unconfirmed , unconfused , unfocussed , unforced , uninfluenced , unreflected , unsurfaced , videoconferencing , vouchsafed

Can we call a person who______continues moneymaking activities in spite of bereavements , a stoic ?
The manufacturer______this truck to climb hilly slopes .
A successful person can convert his______into strengths and vice versa .

Our Colleges rarely impart______.
Reputed websites are particular about______of their members' private data .
The task of______the quarantine is very complex .
The bank______its dues with a factoring agent .

The town is famous for its handloom______.
The______of some White House documents is overdue .

A country's______should not become an opportunity to the neighboring country to occupy it .

A key element in selection interviews is______.

Isn't the right of______is a part of natural justice ?
Cunning is______in affection and sympathy.
We can control construction costs , using______concrete blocks .
Both egoism and egotism emanate from______.

Which is the most______currency in the world ?
The Finance Minister is keen on controlling______.
The defending champion lost in the first round itself owing to numerous______errors .

The President habitually______from the speeches prepared by his assistants .

The confederations , federations , associations of business , by whatever name called , are mainly lobbying groups.

Employers______check the fidelity of the prospective employees .
A______person can succeed in spite of obstacles .
The ruling party is engaged in______the voters who support the opposition .
The movement of the lion in the safari ,______the spectators .

The generality have considered that disease is but a______and disordered effort of Nature, thrown down from her proper state and defending herself in vain .
This mathematical equation cannot be______.
Has the art of prestidigitation been______in United States ?
Freedom fighters______everything for the independence of the country .
Should I buy a______ash tray or a simple tray ?
The regionalisation of the Russian Railways , has______swift administration and reforms .
He______the pockets of his co-passengers .
There are a number of______formed by federations of employee associations in different industries .
We cannot convert______into fallow lands .
We cannot be silent spectators to______forming the Government and ruling this land .
Who______as the Russian President when Medvedev was on tour ?
I am not______hot-headed .
Dozens of MPs______from the ruling party to the opposition party recently .
Traditional______used to be made with horse hair .
The______of the gun has made it ineffective on battlefield .
Destitude of branches can lead to barrenness and______of land.
We are using our standard packing , as you have not______the type of packing you need .
Napoleon's plans______amidst Nelson's stubborn defence .
JObseekers______him wherever he went .
The______President didn't reach his voters and lost his election .
Salmonella scare has______retail spice sales in Maine.
Do violent aggressions need matching______?

The______succeeded in changing the rules of the Church .
Does God have a______grace , the strategy of differencing between His good children and bad children ?
Onion prices______throughout the year .

Who______Jesus ? Romans or Armanians ?

All has to be______.
The main symptom of AIDS is______.
Chemical______are very expensive in our country .
The Don and his______were arrested .
Should a criminal be______?
The cricketers returned______after their exit at the league stage itself .
The process of______involves purification from infecting matter .
Politicians are becoming more and more______, while grabbing billions belonging to their nation .
Vertical facial morphology distinguishes between______and shortfaced persons .
Chinese leaders______Mao differently .
Central Australia has a number of______.
It is an offense to______currency notes and coins in some countries .

Education gives______of thought, copiousness of illustration, quickness, vigor, fancy, words, images, and illustrations.
Architecture adorns the______raised by man.
Which Moghul Emperor didn't commit______to capture the throne ?
Stay______and you will succeed ; abandon , you lose .
His friends______him when he was in dire straits .
Can we get______coffee in Philadelphia ?
Media calculations of the casualties are based on______reports from mofussil centres .
Which Institution______the criminal laws in United States ?
Democracies do not______their citizens .
This booklet is bound with______staples .
The______of the Opposition Members did not surprise anybody.
The Opposition Leader______his MPs .
The Company______its marketing strategies and made a turnround .
Is the art of______dying down ?
Fables depict a fox as an animal full of______.

Religions , world over , do not tolerate______from the traditional practices .
Can we consider a spouse as a______and friend ?
Best______is offence.
A donation is______by the death of the donor .
My son______with his mother quite frequently .

Somebody has to activate the dormant and______political parties .
The missing cheeta______again at the deer park today .
The contractor built a number of______on the river .

Government desires to ban______of coins .

An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed, from the greatest______of nations down to a town meeting or a vestry.

Humans as members of associations are bound to quarrel.
The ruling military junta cannot______every citizen and every political party .
Bluntschli believed that______made no sense .

The seller kept up his promise to replace______.
The starlet______danced at the shooting , when the tv channels revealed her escapades .
He who______a landscape , loses his place in the heaven. Really ?
He______from writhing pain .
The Republican Senator ruled out his______to the Ruling Party .
MPs started behaving______in the Parliament , as speaker started tolerating his own party members .
The process of______which the Company has undertaken , is helpful in sharing risks among various Divisioins .
The______and pesticides are causing incalculable damage to the aquarians .

The confirmation of a possession______in law, is a ratification by means of those whose right it is.

Pious churchgoers may show up as______tricksters .
Meanness can result from a______of intellect.
His______disowned him , after he lost his estate .
The lovers______one another .
The______of 'kundalini' is yet to take place .

An ill argument introduced with______will procure more credit.
The greedy guides______the tourists at Paris .
He is______in mathematics and he failed in it .
A______in the cheek muscle can lead to a dimple.
We cannot derive ecstatic joy from the______of others .

Do______citizens need administrators ?
The Congress President had to resign______.
The case is bad when that is attempted to be done with money, which ought to be______by virtu
It is a cursed exposition which corrupts the text .
The CEO's post entitles the incumbant to a______car .
She______red sarees and green skirts .

The lovers were reunited in 2006 and______they have never been separated .
The airworthiness of the prototype of the plane is yet to be tested and______.

The Government is______from its avowed objectives of good governance .
Keats and Donn______him .
The work done by the Labor Government was______in the public statistics .

Stringent regulations are necessary to______soft drinks sold in the market .

A candid mind ignores______of others and takes notice of their merits.
Does Google steal______private information ?
A mother can never be guilty of______.

The Muslim invaders______several sculptures .
The reformer______stiff opposition , before he could usher in his ideas .
The beauty walked______on an unfamiliar ramp .

Inequality recognizes as a fact of nature the structural______inherent in man .
A______is cheaper and more convenient than a thick napkin .
Clubs check______of dancers .
The______soft drinks do not enjoy good market even during summer .
India was a______Nation in the 18th Century A.D. .
The creditor______the mortgage. He wants to sell the mortgaged property .
Old Prussian is a highly______and obsolete language .
Governments should command the______of the people they rule.
Banks have to identify incipient sickness of industries______by them .

" Twelfth Night or As you like it " is a hilarious play involving______of twins .

An______person can clearly set his goals .
A person of steady wisdom is______by both happiness and unhappiness .

We are, yet to staple the______of the books .
A______may result when federations form an association .
The Hospital authorities have______the mortuary .
A______should not be allowed to become the Speaker of the House .

None has so far sought or______the terms of peace .

Better to be despised for too anxious apprehensions, than ruined by too______a security.
Which is the best______dictionary in the English language ?
Democracy cannot survice if a Government______its dissentors .
The idea that a mother could sell her baby for a few bucks was not______.
A______person cannot succeed as a people's representative .

A slight______from the planned path of motion can result in reaching at a different destination .
Some terrorists have______themselves among religious preachers .
Love cannot be______.
The citizens of many underdeveloped countries per force______in open .

Does a child______by numerous do's and don'ts , perform better than a restrained child ?
The partners separated because their interests______.

They______from the right path and paid the price for the lapse .
The psychiatrist or the psychologist will not be of any use until she gets______of her affectations .

We cannot expect an accused to______or selfdestroy by confessions .
The police constable intelligently______the robber .
A pilot and a member of cabin crew______on a flight of Air India from Sharjah to Lucknow .

The Shark surfaced and______in sea waters , whimsically .
Is formaldehyde a______or only phenyl ?
The______withstood several floods , quakes and other ravages of nature .
Indian courts rarely allow______.
A politician______mourned a citizen's death in his constituency .
Come with me , you will not be______by your enemies .
,164: most glorious when most______.
Can we have access to the______documents of the Pentagon ?
Putin is the______President of Russia .
Suicide bombers are______.

The accused made______confessions .

I cannot gossip about______.
Should schools appoint only______teachers ?
Mothers should not______babies , according to experts .
Administration today has become very simple , owing to the availability of______facilities .

His daughter______with her mother about pregnancy of herself .
The PC has been______after adding some ram and another hard disk .
A______cannot hope to become a Pope .
The ornithologist , could spot the______bird .

Can we identify at least one______race in this world ?
The nearby______fills the air with clouds of dust .

freedom philosophy and______promote government solutions for all our ills.
Claims of superiority are only______to dominate over genial persons.
No virus______itself .
Rains washed away the______built to facilitate the construction of the main dam .
Does______make children obese ?

No metaphysician ever felt the______of language so much as the grateful .
,185: Oh, the incomparable contrivance of Nature who has ordered all things in so even a method that wherever she has been less bountiful in her gifts, there she makes it up with a larger dose of selflove, which supplies the former______and makes all even.

Virtues when______become holy traitors of great men.
Domestic tourists were found to______in the open meadows .
The Prime Minister is encouraging______, for self-preservation .
Eleven Southern States formed a______to establish an independent nation .
The Defence Ministry______all its key documents and information .

1: unaffectedly
,2: configured
,3: deficiencies
,4: selfdiscipline
,5: confidentiality
,6: disinfecting
,7: factored
,8: handkerchiefs
,9: declassification
,10: defencelessness
,11: selfconfidence
,12: selfdefence
,13: deficient
,14: prefabricated
,15: selfcentredness
,16: counterfeited
,17: fiscal deficit
,18: unforced
,19: deflects
,20: confidentially
,21: selfconfident
,22: disenfranchising
,23: scarified
,24: confused
,25: factorised
,26: perfected
,27: sacrificed
,28: crafted
,29: facilitated
,30: filched
,31: confederations
,32: cornfields
,33: defectors
,34: officiated
,35: confoundedly
,36: defected
,37: fiddlesticks
,38: defectiveness
,39: desertification
,40: specified
,41: backfired
,42: flocked
,43: overconfident
,44: affected
,45: defences
,46: deflectors
,47: differencing
,48: fluctuated
,49: crucified
,50: fetched
,51: immunodeficiency
,52: disinfectants
,53: confederates
,54: disenfranchised
,55: shamefaced
,56: disinfection
,57: barefaced
,58: longfaced
,59: refocussed
,60: coalfields
,61: deface
,62: fecundity
,63: edifices
,64: fratricide
,65: focussed
,66: comforted
,67: decaf
,68: unconfirmed
,69: codifies
,70: disfranchise
,71: centrefold
,72: defection
,73: pacified
,74: refocused
,75: needlecraft
,76: deceitfulness
,77: deflections
,78: confidante
,79: defence
,80: confirmed
,81: confides
,82: defunct
,83: resurfaced
,84: cofferdams
,85: defacing
,86: confederacy
,87: disenfranchise
,88: selfdestruction
,89: defectives
,90: shamefacedly
,91: defaces
,92: flinched
,93: defecting
,94: disrespectfully
,95: diversification
,96: fungicides
,97: defective
,98: deceitful
,99: deficit
,100: confidantes
,101: chaffed
,102: demystification
,103: deference
,104: fleeced
,105: unfocussed
,106: defect
,107: discomfiture
,108: selfcontrolled
,109: disgracefully
,110: effected
,111: chauffeured
,112: fancied
,113: thenceforward
,114: certified
,115: deflecting
,116: fascinated
,117: unreflected
,118: decaffeinate
,119: defects
,120: confidential
,121: disaffection
,122: defaced
,123: confronted
,124: confusedly
,125: differences
,126: handkerchief
,127: identifications
,128: decaffeinated
,129: defenceless
,130: foreclosed
,131: inflected
,132: confidence
,133: financed
,134: misidentification
,135: unconfused
,136: uninfluenced
,137: centrefolds
,138: confederation
,139: disinfected
,140: defector
,141: vouchsafed
,142: confident
,143: crossreferenced
,144: disenfranchises
,145: farfetched
,146: selfcentred
,147: deflection
,148: camouflaged
,149: forced
,150: defecate
,151: unconfined
,152: conflicted
,153: deflected
,154: disaffected
,155: selfdestruct
,156: cuffed
,157: scuffled
,158: unsurfaced
,159: disinfectant
,160: edifice
,161: disenfranchisement
,162: affectedly
,163: discomfited
,164: afflicted
,165: declassified
,166: defacto
,167: selfdestructing
,168: selfdestructive
,169: confidences
,170: certificated
,171: forcefeed
,172: videoconferencing
,173: confided
,174: reconfigured
,175: deflector
,176: flecked
,177: selfdestructed
,178: coalfield
,179: confidently
,180: facades
,181: selfdestructs
,182: cofferdam
,183: forcefeeding
,184: deficiency
,185: deficits
,186: sanctified
,187: defecating
,188: defections
,189: confederate
,190: reclassified

page numbers


From Nov. 14, 2009.

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