We can shuffle the letters p-i-s-t-o-l and with the help of remaining 20 letters , create 239 words. I furnish the list below. Here is a cumbersome , but extremely rewarding quiz based on these 239 words.
1 accomplishments 2 angioplasty 3 anthropologist 4 anthropologists 5 apologist 6 apologists 7 applicators 8 aspirational 9 claustrophobia 10 claustrophobic 11 compartmentalised 12 compartmentalising 13 compassionately 14 compatibilities 15 compatibles 16 complaints 17 complaisant 18 complexities 19 complicates 20 complications 21 compliments 22 compositional 23 comprehensibility 24 compressibility 25 conceptualisation 26 conceptualisations 27 conceptualise 28 conceptualised 29 conceptualising 30 conspiratorial 31 conspiratorially 32 copulations 33 cosmopolitan 34 cosmopolitans 35 cytoplasmic 36 depersonalisation 37 depolarisations 38 depoliticisation 39 depositional 40 dispassionately 41 disproportional 42 disproportionally 43 electrophoresis 44 encapsulations 45 epidemiologist 46 epidemiologists 47 epistemological 48 epistemology 49 epistolary 50 explanations 51 exploitations 52 explorations 53 expostulation 54 expostulations 55 extrapolations 56 flashpoint 57 flashpoints 58 floppiest 59 graphologist 60 graphologists 61 historiographical 62 hospitable 63 hospitably 64 hospital 65 hospitalisation 66 hospitalised 67 hospitality 68 hospitals 69 hypercholesterolaemia 70 impersonality 71 impetuously 72 implications 73 impoliteness 74 impossibility 75 incompatibilities 76 incomprehensibility 77 insupportable 78 interpersonal 79 interpolates 80 interpolations 81 interrelationship 82 interrelationships 83 irresponsibility 84 lithographs 85 lithosphere 86 manipulations 87 manipulators 88 metropolises 89 milepost 90 mileposts 91 monopolisation 92 monopolist 93 monopolistic 94 monopolists 95 multiprocessor 96 multiprocessors 97 ophthalmics 98 ophthalmologist 99 ophthalmologists 100 oppositely 101 oppositional 102 oversimplification 103 oversimplifications 104 palaeontologist 105 palaeontologists 106 palpitations 107 parapsychologist 108 parasitologist 109 parasitology 110 pastoralism 111 pathologies 112 pathologist 113 pathologists 114 patronisingly 115 personality 116 petrochemicals 117 pharmacologists 118 phenomenologists 119 philanthropists 120 philologists 121 phlogiston 122 phrenologists 123 physiologist 124 physiologists 125 pistols 126 piteously 127 plantations 128 platitudinous 129 pluralisation 130 pointillist 131 pointlessly 132 pointlessness 133 polarisations 134 polemicist 135 politeness 136 politest 137 politicians 138 politicisation 139 politicise 140 politicised 141 politicising 142 poltergeists 143 polymerisation 144 polytheism 145 polytheist 146 polytheistic 147 polytheists 148 popularisations 149 populists 150 portcullises 151 positional 152 positionally 153 positively 154 possibilities 155 possibility 156 postilions 157 postillion 158 postoperatively 159 postulating 160 postulation 161 potentials 162 precipitously 163 predilections 164 presentational 165 prestidigitatorial 166 probabilistic 167 probabilistically 168 probabilities 169 proclamations 170 proclivities 171 professionalisation 172 projectiles 173 proletarianisation 174 proletarians 175 prophylactics 176 propositional 177 prosecutorial 178 proselytising 179 prostaglandin 180 prostaglandins 181 psycholinguistic 182 psycholinguistics 183 psycholinguists 184 psychologists 185 psychotically 186 publications 187 pulsations 188 pulverisation 189 punctiliously 190 recapitalisation 191 relationships 192 replications 193 responsibilities 194 responsibility 195 selfportrait 196 selfportraits 197 shoplifted 198 shoplifter 199 shoplifters 200 shoplifting 201 simpleton 202 simpletons 203 simplification 204 simplifications 205 sloppiest 206 sociopolitical 207 specialisations 208 spectroscopically 209 speculations 210 spoilt 211 spotlighting 212 spotlights 213 spotlit 214 stereotypically 215 stipulations 216 stockpile 217 stockpiled 218 stockpiles 219 stockpiling 220 superstitiously 221 supplementation 222 supplication 223 supplications 224 supportability 225 supranationalism 226 surreptitiously 227 sycophantically 228 technophiles 229 telephonists 230 telescopic 231 telescoping 232 thermoplastic 233 topologist 234 topologists 235 topsoil 236 trampolines 237 transcriptional 238 transportability 239 xylophonist |
Fill-in the blanks, choosing appropriate words from the above list.
You can hover your mouse on the blank to see the suggested answer, if you have no time to brainstorm yourselves.
1: The______position used at the trial needs a thorough review . ,2: The______are obsolete with the advent of offset printing machines . ,3: The______were always the underdogs . ,4: The scientist who has______the air-to-air missile is regreting it . ,5: This nobel prize winning novel is suffering from______. ,6: He ogled at her______. ,7: It is a sin against______to open your doors, and shut up your countenance. ,8: The Diagnostic Center employed a number of______to overcome the challenges of Swine Flue . ,9: Are______universal citizens ? ,10: This supercomputer uses______and functions in multidimensional fields . ,11: Hinduism is a______religion. ,12: Her tolerance level has reached a______. She is ready to blow up . ,13: The______of the injured persons got delayed owing to non-availability of vehicles . ,14: A modern poet has characterized the______of art and the impersonality of science, as follows: Art is I: Science is We . ,15: The task of reinterpreting Darvin's Organic Evolution has become a pastime for some______. ,16: The______levels of the American youth and the Russian youth differ . ,17: He suffers from______, a fear of closed spaces . ,18: All dead persons do not become______. ,19: The______substances soften when heated and harden when cooled . ,20: Most of the______work is done by the film director . ,21: Poor have to starve in______food markets , particularly during droughts . ,22: The______of lethal weapons make a laughing stock of disarmament . ,23: The______are concerned about processes and functions of an organism . ,24: He enjoys a______strong advantage . ,25: Psychiatrists and psychologists , both advise us that we should think and act______. ,26: The statute remains incomprehensible in spite of numerous______. ,27: Obama's______speech did not arouse public sympathy . ,28: Hinduism supports______. But Hindus believe that the different names they use apply to the same God . ,29: When an______and anthropologist meet in a pub , what do they exchange ? ,30: The injured in the train accident , have been______. ,31: Do______mark up medical bills while the Government restricts Medicare and Medicaid? ,32: Romantic poetry relished______. ,33: We risk turning expensive while we are only rich in______. ,34: I could not make head and tail of______quantum theory . ,35: Kings or the so-called democratic rulers , do not tolerate even mild______against their unruly actions . ,36: The early American settlements thrived on______. ,37: Purchasability of a furniture item depends on its ______. ,38: Some educationists do not appreciate the______policies of the Government . ,39: A birthday can be a______in anybody's life . ,40: The Bank employs a number of______, to help its customers contact the right desk . ,41: The world history is replete with colonial______. ,42: Collapse of a footbridge under construction, is an example of the______of the CW Games Organisation . ,43: Can______cause heart failures ? ,44: We have to study the______between emigration and unemployment . ,45: The______are harmone like substances participating in expansion and contraction of muscles . ,46: A State should act with caution, decision,______and speed while handling the issues of civil commotion. ,47: Spouses perform their parts best when they take their______to their hearts, and foster them with sincerity and love . ,48: Religious and sacred books have numerous contradictions and______. ,49: An______has to work hard to convince a religious preacher that Adam and Eve might not be the first humans . ,50: Paint brushes are nothing but______of paint . ,51: Have you seen Picaso's______? ,52: Only______believe that everything white is milk . ,53: Siddhardha______lifted the injured swan , while Devadatta looked condescendingly . ,54: Empirio-criticism leads to______scholasticism. ,55: His______for voracious eating are well known . ,56: The______of budget revenue , through higher taxes , received alround criticism . ,57: Both sexes have their own______. ,58: The______of ruling class never takes place in capitalism . ,59: Positive particles move to anode and negative particles move to casthode , during______. ,60: He is new to______politics . ,61: The______of health reforms in US is mindboggling . ,62: The Medical University offers a number of______at postgraduate level . ,63: The theater is equipped with multi-color______arrangements . ,64: My friend , a______, specialised in medical diagnosis . ,65: The______of nuclear weapons with US must cause anxiety . ,66: A true truth-seeker has to work______. ,67: The hatred of the wicked is only roused the more from the______of finding any just grounds on which it can rest. ,68: An autobiography is supposed to be a frank and fair______. ,69: The______study the composition of drugs and their effects . ,70: Fertility experts say that humans need a number of______before they conceive . ,71: Their houses are______situated . ,72: A Queen cannot behave______, but a commoner can . ,73: The audio is undergoing______process . ,74: The______of film production , we cannot understand . ,75: Oil______are not only expensive but also enormously risky in financial terms . ,76: Do Marxists conflict with______? ,77: The Department of Pathology did not have a______. ,78: Christian missionaries are engaged in______every Nation in the world . ,79: The Supermarket installed a closed circuit tv system to observe the______. ,80: The______of chikun gunya and dengue fever differ . ,81: Can we say that Oxygen is another name for a______? ,82: A______child finds attending school very difficult . ,83: Babblings sit at home until they accumulate an______load of ennui. ,84: I must consult an______to get my eyes checked . ,85: The______could not estimate the age of the fossils in spite of best efforts . ,86: Can we imagine an election which is free of unhealthy______? ,87: His head is______large in relation to his torso and limbs . ,88: Which American city has the most______favorable climate during winter ? ,89: The______of some abstract nouns is not possible . ,90: The______spectra of different countries vary . ,91: His job is______and not adjudicating . ,92: The______skills of this magician are universally acclaimed. He does not declare himself a God . ,93: Fiction or non-fiction ,______is important . ,94: Alrady zipped files have zero______. ,95: Serious illnesses are like______in a person's life journey . ,96: A______always aims at maximising his profit . ,97: Opposition has______the inflation . ,98: Nations are______powerful nuclear weapons . ,99: Many herbal remedies need______analyses . ,100: Those who spend______end up living under flyovers . ,101: Cardiologists perform______. ,102: He has______accused his wife and abused her . ,103: The______of the former Phillippines President and his spouse were well-known . ,104: This shipping tycoon often______with ease . ,105: Why does a______study fossils ? ,106: The stadium is adequately______and televisation is not a problem . ,107: Swine Flu is receiving serious attention of______. ,108: He eked out his living as a______, before establishing the Supermarket . ,109: Young people learn more from______than criticism. ,110: Shouldn't Law restrain the tongues of rude______? ,111: Works of porno need no______. ,112: No music is so charming to my ear as the requests of my friends, and the______of those in want of my assistance . ,113: Does the prostate gland secrete______? ,114: The______studies the psychological basis of human language . ,115: Study of pathology includes the study of______. ,116: Money lenders cannot pretend as______. ,117: The______are self-propelled by their rocket engines . ,118: Youth have to learn the rights and______which freedom brings. ,119: We cannot appoint______as inspectors or judges ? ,120: He specialised as a______astronomer . ,121: We can produce new chemicals through______. ,122: The______of Vatican procedures is not easy . ,123: Republicans are______the health reforms . ,124: The______of Indian Banking is taking place at a phenomenal speed . ,125: We have to examine______when we replace an existing computer package with a new package . ,126: This doctor prescribes______and waits till the time heals . ,127: Can______help linguistically challenged persons ? ,128: The______goes beyond established beliefs of nationalities . ,129: Governments want to indulge in______of everything under the sky . ,130: The Opposition cannot______a current problem , which has its origin during the Opposition rule . ,131: Do sinners undergo______of joy ? ,132: The Statistical Department______data between frequencies so as to find out who was the original proponent of Ramayana . ,133: A______is a percussionist. He has to carry the instruments and mallets . ,134: The______are concerned with handwriting styles . ,135: Did God hear his______? ,136: Learning ethics and______is as important as learning science and technology. ,137: The______could not arrive at a consensus over the phenomenon of human evolution in different continents as a concurrent process . ,138: Unforeseen______invariably follow some complex surgical procedures . ,139: The______proteins control the metabolism . ,140: State______need wide publicity . ,141: Dementia children may need______help . ,142: All the engineering graduates need not be______, since their birth . ,143: Can a______really identify our character from our handwriting ? ,144: A______is a computer that uses two or more processing units under integrated control . ,145: Solar merchant vessels are still in a stage of______. ,146: A polyglot can live more comfortably in a______city. ,147: The human soul is______and will entertain conflicting sentiments and contradictory opinions with much impartiality. ,148: The______of a Universal language and a Universal Passport needs scrutiny . ,149: The______are divided on the melting of ice in Antarctic . ,150: Does the British Queen treat the Heads of Commonwealth States______or as her equals ? ,151: Does socialism thrive______equidistribution of poverty ? ,152: Which country has the largest number of______? ,153: Many______are produced through fractional distillation . ,154: Several celebrities were prosecuted in London for______. ,155: A______alone can explain the habitat of zebras . ,156: Accidents are possible in______plants . ,157: Some people dispute the______that Earth is round . ,158: Can the random sex allocation of humans be______anticipated ? ,159: We do not find______in the front of modern royal palaces . ,160: Do the______for capital punishments believe that only living persons commit ghastly crimes ? ,161: People with______thinking cannot live in pluralist countries . ,162: A______argues in opposition to others . ,163: The Government is very______to the foreign industrialists . ,164: Religious and sacred books have a number of______. ,165: George Seurat was the first______. Pointillism is a genre of painting, in which paint is applied in dots . ,166: Ignoring accepted social usage is nothing but______. ,167: Can we treat every Hindu as a______? ,168: The______accounts of Hoon invasions need corroboration , using inscriptions . ,169: He gets a______low salary . ,170: Why do rulers encourage______approaching flatterers ? ,171: Was Bernard not a______? ,172: The present Afghan President is an______for the U.S. ,173: Does NASA fit every satellite it launches with______antennae ? ,174: An obstetrician must clearly understand the______between mother and her faetus . ,175: The______claim that they can read a person's character , by the shape of his skull . ,176: A prayer house is a sort of______for men's souls. ,177: The______consists of earth's crust and outer mantle . ,178: Where is the______evidence , to prove the involvement of the accused in the heinous murder ? ,179: The______of public appointments is a utopia . ,180: All can love , but only______can marry . ,181: The______indulged in by some Mathematics teachers only confuse the students . ,182: The murder was committed quite______. ,183: Can we______photograph and project ultra violet light beams ? ,184: A______and a Socratese have same symptoms, when suffering from the same disease. ,185: They whisphered______and it created suspicion in Hamlet's mind . ,186: Pre-electoral and post-electoral______have consigned the party to a dust bin . ,187: The best place for______persons is , a large beach . ,188: The Government and media cannot understand the______of talks with the terrorists . ,189: Market______are ripe about the impending devaluation of US Dollar . ,190: Product development and marketing depend on______. ,191: U.S. apparently______air-warfare weapon systems . ,192: The patient's vision______improved substantially . ,193: Those who perform somersaults on______should be alert and cautious . ,194: Polarisations and______do take place in political circles . ,195: The______of the carriage had to return home owing to an unexpected attack of malarial fever . ,196: The professions of accountancy and auditing in this country are yet to acquire______. ,197: Conversations do not occur in duller intercourse of______correspondence. ,198: We can fire______using just one hand . ,199: Researsch Departments of Universities have their own methodological______for reviewing dissertations . ,200: She has a number of original scientific______to her credit . ,201: The______studies the grounds (basis) of knowledge . ,202: Film stars are accustomed to______. ,203: Evolutionary______for human behaviour, are valuable. ,204: Every organisation should care for______relationships . ,205: Jawa is portable and does not cause______. ,206: What does a______study ? Causation by mental processes ? ,207: Different countries have different developmental______. ,208: He consulted a number of______and psychiatrists about his problem of insomnia and somnambulism . ,209: The______are worried about the spread of glaucoma . ,210: The______of the carriages abandoned their quest , unable to endure the desert terrain . ,211: A film director should not only______, but also visualise . ,212: The process of______has to take place peacefully . ,213: Why do monotheists disdain______? ,214: The______logic is a symbolic logic , dealing with propositions as units . ,215: The American exchequer cannot bear the costs of______of the insolvent Wall Street Giants . ,216: A film director should be good in______and visualisations . ,217: Did U.S.______declare war on Iraq ? ,218: The sellers' market is dominated by______. ,219: Sexual intercourse may have concurrent______. ,220: The______are also known as oculists . ,221: We must assess the sociopolitical______of health reforms . ,222: Do mathematicians work______? ,223: The Museum does not buy______of famous paintings . ,224: University Convocations are______ceremonies . ,225: The Government Press employed the______workers . ,226: Borrowing short term to invest long term______our liquidity and solvency position . ,227: What do the______of the 20th Century history buried in underground urns contain ? ,228: Borg was the______of the Wimbledon Winners . ,229: Disprooportionate is more popular than '______' . ,230: The______are humanists and not humorists . ,231: Cloning is not a subject which is amenable to______. ,232: Film heros world over are______masculine and muscular . ,233: Our______are like drops in oceans. ,234: Planets can be better observed with______. ,235: We do not act wisely when we vent______and censure people. ,236: That person in grey coat with the______ears , is our Company's C.E.O. ,237: Excess use of fertilisers may lead to the depletion of the______. ,238: We can reason on actualities, but not on______. |
1: depositional ,2: lithographs ,3: proletarians ,4: conceptualised ,5: incomprehensibility ,6: surreptitiously ,7: hospitality ,8: pathologists ,9: cosmopolitans ,10: multiprocessors ,11: polytheistic ,12: flashpoint ,13: hospitalisation ,14: personality ,15: anthropologists ,16: aspirational ,17: claustrophobia ,18: poltergeists ,19: thermoplastic ,20: conceptualising ,21: monopolistic ,22: stockpiles ,23: physiologists ,24: positionally ,25: positively ,26: simplifications ,27: platitudinous ,28: polytheism ,29: epidemiologist ,30: hospitalised ,31: hospitals ,32: pastoralism ,33: possibility ,34: probabilistic ,35: expostulations ,36: plantations ,37: transportability ,38: compartmentalising ,39: milepost ,40: telephonists ,41: exploitations ,42: irresponsibility ,43: hypercholesterolaemia ,44: interrelationships ,45: prostaglandins ,46: responsibility ,47: relationships ,48: interpolations ,49: anthropologist ,50: applicators ,51: selfportraits ,52: simpletons ,53: compassionately ,54: epistemological ,55: proclivities ,56: supplementation ,57: flashpoints ,58: proletarianisation ,59: electrophoresis ,60: oppositional ,61: politicisation ,62: specialisations ,63: spotlighting ,64: pathologist ,65: stockpile ,66: dispassionately ,67: impossibility ,68: selfportrait ,69: pharmacologists ,70: copulations ,71: oppositely ,72: superstitiously ,73: transcriptional ,74: complexities ,75: explorations ,76: populists ,77: parasitologist ,78: proselytising ,79: shoplifters ,80: pathologies ,81: phlogiston ,82: spoilt ,83: insupportable ,84: ophthalmologist ,85: palaeontologists ,86: manipulations ,87: disproportionally ,88: hospitably ,89: pluralisation ,90: sociopolitical ,91: prosecutorial ,92: prestidigitatorial ,93: comprehensibility ,94: compressibility ,95: mileposts ,96: monopolist ,97: politicised ,98: stockpiling ,99: compositional ,100: impetuously ,101: angioplasty ,102: pointlessly ,103: predilections ,104: shoplifted ,105: palaeontologist ,106: spotlit ,107: epidemiologists ,108: shoplifter ,109: compliments ,110: politicians ,111: popularisations ,112: supplications ,113: prostaglandin ,114: psycholinguistics ,115: parasitology ,116: philanthropists ,117: projectiles ,118: responsibilities ,119: manipulators ,120: positional ,121: polymerisation ,122: simplification ,123: politicising ,124: depersonalisation ,125: compatibilities ,126: prophylactics ,127: psycholinguists ,128: supranationalism ,129: monopolisation ,130: politicise ,131: pulsations ,132: interpolates ,133: xylophonist ,134: graphologists ,135: supplication ,136: politeness ,137: phenomenologists ,138: complications ,139: cytoplasmic ,140: proclamations ,141: psycholinguistic ,142: technophiles ,143: graphologist ,144: multiprocessor ,145: conceptualisation ,146: cosmopolitan ,147: hospitable ,148: supportability ,149: topologists ,150: patronisingly ,151: postulating ,152: metropolises ,153: petrochemicals ,154: shoplifting ,155: topologist ,156: pulverisation ,157: postulation ,158: probabilistically ,159: portcullises ,160: apologists ,161: compartmentalised ,162: polemicist ,163: complaisant ,164: extrapolations ,165: pointillist ,166: impoliteness ,167: polytheist ,168: historiographical ,169: piteously ,170: sycophantically ,171: physiologist ,172: apologist ,173: telescopic ,174: interrelationship ,175: phrenologists ,176: hospital ,177: lithosphere ,178: conspiratorial ,179: depoliticisation ,180: compatibles ,181: oversimplifications ,182: psychotically ,183: spectroscopically ,184: simpleton ,185: conspiratorially ,186: polarisations ,187: claustrophobic ,188: pointlessness ,189: speculations ,190: probabilities ,191: stockpiled ,192: postoperatively ,193: trampolines ,194: depolarisations ,195: postillion ,196: professionalisation ,197: epistolary ,198: pistols ,199: stipulations ,200: publications ,201: epistemology ,202: spotlights ,203: explanations ,204: interpersonal ,205: incompatibilities ,206: parapsychologist ,207: potentials ,208: psychologists ,209: ophthalmologists ,210: postilions ,211: conceptualise ,212: expostulation ,213: polytheists ,214: propositional ,215: recapitalisation ,216: conceptualisations ,217: precipitously ,218: monopolists ,219: palpitations ,220: ophthalmics ,221: implications ,222: punctiliously ,223: replications ,224: presentational ,225: sloppiest ,226: complicates ,227: encapsulations ,228: politest ,229: disproportional ,230: philologists ,231: oversimplification ,232: stereotypically ,233: accomplishments ,234: telescoping ,235: complaints ,236: floppiest ,237: topsoil ,238: possibilities |