English has 721 words which use the letters h-e-a-r-t , in combination with other 21 letters.
Here is a marathon quiz based on the above 721 words:
1 in accordance with 2 abhorrent 3 adherents 4 aftermath 5 aftershave 6 aftershocks 7 afterthoughts 8 airworthiness 9 altogether 10 amateurish 11 amateurishly 12 amateurishness 13 amphitheatre 14 amphitheatres 15 anthracite 16 anthropocentric 17 anthropogenic 18 anthropogenically 19 apostrophe 20 apostrophes 21 apostrophised 22 apothecaries 23 apothecary 24 apprenticeship 25 apprenticeships 26 archaeologist 27 archaeologists 28 archetypal 29 archetype 30 archetypes 31 archetypical 32 architect 33 architectonic 34 architects 35 architectural 36 architecturally 37 architecture 38 architectures 39 architrave 40 architraves 41 arithmetic 42 arithmetical 43 arithmetically 44 aromatherapist 45 aromatherapy 46 artichoke 47 artichokes 48 atmospheres 49 atmospheric 50 atmospherically 51 atmospherics 52 atrophied 53 atrophies 54 authenticator 55 authenticators 56 authored 57 authoress 58 authorise 59 authorised 60 authorises 61 authoritative 62 authoritatively 63 authorities 64 autobiographies 65 bacteriophage 66 bathers 67 bathwater 68 behaviourist 69 behaviourists 70 birdwatchers 71 birthplace 72 birthrate 73 breadths 74 breakthrough 75 breakthroughs 76 breath 77 breathable 78 breathalysed 79 breathalyser 80 breathalysers 81 breathe 82 breathed 83 breather 84 breathes 85 breathing 86 breathings 87 breathingspace 88 breathless 89 breathlessly 90 breathlessness 91 breaths 92 breathtaking 93 breathtakingly 94 breathy 95 broadsheet 96 broadsheets 97 brotherinlaw 98 brothersinlaw 99 carbohydrates 100 cartographer 101 cartographers 102 cartouche 103 cartwheels 104 catastrophes 105 catcher 106 catchers 107 catchphrases 108 cathedral 109 cathedrals 110 catheter 111 catheterisation 112 catheters 113 chamberpot 114 chamberpots 115 chapter 116 chapters 117 character 118 characterisation 119 characterisations 120 characterise 121 characterised 122 characterises 123 characterising 124 characteristic 125 characteristically 126 characteristics 127 characterless 128 characters 129 charioteers 130 charitable 131 charter 132 chartered 133 chartering 134 charters 135 chatter 136 chatterbox 137 chattered 138 chatterer 139 chattering 140 chatters 141 cheaters 142 chemotherapy 143 chlorate 144 chrysanthemum 145 chrysanthemums 146 cinematography 147 clearsighted 148 coauthored 149 copyrightable 150 cryptographer 151 cryptographers 152 crystallographers 153 daughter 154 daughterinlaw 155 daughters 156 daughtersinlaw 157 dearth 158 dehydrated 159 dehydrating 160 dehydration 161 diathermy 162 disenfranchisement 163 disheartened 164 disheartening 165 dispatchers 166 downtoearth 167 draughtier 168 draughtiest 169 dreadnought 170 earshot 171 earthbound 172 earthed 173 earthen 174 earthenware 175 earthiness 176 earthing 177 earthling 178 earthlings 179 earthly 180 earthquake 181 earthquakes 182 earths 183 earthshaking 184 earthshattering 185 earthwards 186 earthwork 187 earthworks 188 earthworm 189 earthworms 190 earthy 191 electrocardiographic 192 electrochemical 193 electrochemically 194 electromechanics 195 electrotechnical 196 enchanter 197 enchanters 198 enchantress 199 encroachment 200 encroachments 201 enfranchisement 202 enthralling 203 ethereally 204 ethnographers 205 ethnographic 206 ethnography 207 exhilarated 208 exhilarating 209 exhilaration 210 exhortations 211 fainthearted 212 farsighted 213 farther 214 farthest 215 father 216 fathered 217 fatherhood 218 fathering 219 fatherinlaw 220 fatherland 221 fatherless 222 fatherly 223 fathers 224 fathersinlaw 225 feather 226 feathered 227 feathering 228 featherlight 229 feathers 230 featherweight 231 feathery 232 forefathers 233 foregathered 234 freshwater 235 gatecrashed 236 gatecrasher 237 gatecrashers 238 gatecrashing 239 gather 240 gathered 241 gatherer 242 gatherers 243 gathering 244 gatherings 245 gathers 246 ghastlier 247 godfather 248 godfathers 249 granddaughters 250 grandfathers 251 grandmother 252 grandmothers 253 grapeshot 254 greatgranddaughter 255 greatgrandfather 256 greatgrandmother 257 greatgrandmothers 258 hairiest 259 hairstyle 260 hairstyles 261 halfhearted 262 halfheartedly 263 halfheartedness 264 haltered 265 halters 266 hamster 267 hamsters 268 harassment 269 hardest 270 hardheartedness 271 harvested 272 harvester 273 harvesters 274 harvesting 275 harvests 276 hastier 277 hatchery 278 haters 279 hatred 280 hatreds 281 hatters 282 haughtier 283 hauteur 284 headmaster 285 headmasters 286 headmastership 287 headmistresses 288 headrest 289 headwaters 290 heart 291 heartache 292 heartbeat 293 heartbeats 294 heartbreak 295 heartbreaking 296 heartbreaks 297 heartbroken 298 heartburn 299 hearten 300 heartened 301 heartening 302 heartfelt 303 hearth 304 hearthrug 305 hearths 306 hearties 307 heartiest 308 heartily 309 heartiness 310 heartland 311 heartlands 312 heartless 313 heartlessly 314 heartlessness 315 heartrending 316 hearts 317 heartsearching 318 heartstrings 319 hearttoheart 320 heartwarming 321 heartwood 322 hearty 323 heaters 324 heathers 325 heathery 326 hectare 327 hectares 328 herbalists 329 hereafter 330 hereinafter 331 heretical 332 heritability 333 heritable 334 heritage 335 hermaphrodite 336 hermaphrodites 337 hermaphroditic 338 heterosexuality 339 heterosexually 340 heterosexuals 341 heuristically 342 hibernating 343 hibernation 344 hieratic 345 hinterland 346 hinterlands 347 hovercraft 348 huntergatherers 349 hydrated 350 hydrogenated 351 hydrogenation 352 hyperactive 353 hyperactivity 354 hypercholesterolaemia 355 hypermarket 356 hypermarkets 357 hyperventilating 358 hyperventilation 359 hypnotherapists 360 hypnotherapy 361 hysterically 362 inheritance 363 inheritances 364 insidious encroachment 365 interchangeability 366 interchangeable 367 interchangeably 368 interchanged 369 interchanges 370 interchanging 371 interrelationships 372 isothermally 373 kindhearted 374 kindheartedness 375 kitchenware 376 labyrinthine 377 lathered 378 lathers 379 leathers 380 leathery 381 lefthanders 382 lethargically 383 lethargy 384 letterheads 385 lighthearted 386 lightheartedly 387 lightheartedness 388 magnetohydrodynamical 389 magnetohydrodynamics 390 magnetosphere 391 manslaughter 392 merchant 393 merchantability 394 merchantable 395 merchantman 396 merchantmen 397 merchants 398 metamorphism 399 metamorphose 400 metamorphosed 401 metamorphoses 402 metamorphosis 403 metaphor 404 metaphoric 405 metaphorical 406 metaphorically 407 metaphors 408 misanthrope 409 misanthropes 410 motherboards 411 motherland 412 motherofpearl 413 nearsighted 414 nightmares 415 octahedron 416 openhearted 417 orchestral 418 orchestras 419 orchestrate 420 orchestrated 421 orchestrates 422 orchestrating 423 orchestration 424 orchestrations 425 orchestrator 426 orthopaedics 427 outreach 428 overenthusiastic 429 overhasty 430 overheat 431 overheated 432 overheating 433 overmatching 434 pamphleteer 435 pamphleteers 436 panther 437 panthers 438 paperweight 439 paperweights 440 parachuted 441 parachutes 442 parchments 443 parentheses 444 parenthesis 445 parenthesise 446 parenthesised 447 parenthetic 448 parenthetical 449 parenthetically 450 parenthood 451 parthenogenesis 452 partnership 453 partnerships 454 patchier 455 pathfinder 456 pathfinders 457 patriarchies 458 periphrastic 459 petrochemicals 460 petrographic 461 petrographical 462 pharmaceuticals 463 photoelectrically 464 photographed 465 photographer 466 photographers 467 photometrically 468 phylactery 469 physiotherapist 470 physiotherapists 471 physiotherapy 472 preauthorise 473 preheat 474 preheating 475 prophetically 476 psychotherapist 477 psychotherapists 478 psychotherapy 479 radiotherapy 480 rashest 481 reattachment 482 rehabilitate 483 rehabilitated 484 rehabilitating 485 rehabilitation 486 reheated 487 reheating 488 reheats 489 relationship 490 relationships 491 rematch 492 rematching 493 rhetorical 494 rhetorically 495 rhetorician 496 rhetoricians 497 rheumatic 498 rheumatics 499 rheumatism 500 rheumatoid 501 rheumatology 502 righthanded 503 righthandedness 504 righthander 505 righthanders 506 sabretoothed 507 schoolmasters 508 schoolteacher 509 schoolteachers 510 scratched 511 scratches 512 scratchier 513 scratchiest 514 scratchiness 515 searchlights 516 secretaryship 517 shattered 518 shattering 519 shatteringly 520 shatterproof 521 shatters 522 shearwaters 523 shortage 524 shortages 525 shortbread 526 shortstaffed 527 slaughter 528 slaughtered 529 slaughterer 530 slaughterhouse 531 slaughterhouses 532 slaughtering 533 slaughterings 534 slaughters 535 snatcher 536 snatchers 537 soothsayers 538 soughtafter 539 spreadsheets 540 stakeholders 541 stallholders 542 starches 543 starchier 544 starchiest 545 stealthier 546 steeplechasers 547 stenographers 548 stenographic 549 stenography 550 stepdaughter 551 stepfather 552 stereographic 553 stewardship 554 stormy weather 555 straighten 556 straightened 557 straightening 558 straightens 559 straighter 560 straightest 561 straightforwardness 562 straightness 563 stranglehold 564 stratosphere 565 stratospheric 566 stratospherically 567 stretchable 568 superheat 569 superheated 570 swarthier 571 swarthiest 572 sweatshirt 573 sweatshirts 574 sweetheart 575 sweethearts 576 sympathisers 577 teachers 578 technocracies 579 technocracy 580 technocrat 581 technocratic 582 technocrats 583 teethmarks 584 telegraphed 585 telegraphic 586 telegraphing 587 telegraphs 588 telegraphy 589 tetrahedra 590 tetrahedral 591 tetrahedron 592 tetrahedrons 593 thatchers 594 theatres 595 theatrical 596 theatricality 597 theatrically 598 theatricals 599 thenceforward 600 theocracies 601 theocracy 602 theoretical 603 theoretically 604 theoretician 605 theoreticians 606 therapeutic 607 therapeutically 608 therapies 609 therapist 610 therapists 611 therapy 612 thereafter 613 thermally 614 thermals 615 thermochemical 616 thermodynamic 617 thermodynamical 618 thermodynamically 619 thermodynamics 620 thermostat 621 thermostatic 622 thermostatically 623 thermostats 624 thesaurus 625 thoroughfare 626 thoroughfares 627 thrashed 628 thrasher 629 thrashes 630 thread 631 threadbare 632 threaded 633 threading 634 threads 635 threat 636 threaten 637 threatened 638 threatening 639 threateningly 640 threatens 641 threats 642 throatier 643 throatiest 644 thunderclap 645 thunderclaps 646 thunderflashes 647 thwarted 648 timeshare 649 torchbearer 650 torchbearers 651 trachea 652 tracheal 653 tracheostomy 654 tracheotomy 655 tranches 656 trashed 657 treacherous 658 treacherously 659 treachery 660 treasurership 661 trenchantly 662 turbocharger 663 typographer 664 typographers 665 unauthorised 666 uncharacteristically 667 uncharitable 668 unchartered 669 unearth 670 unearthed 671 unearthing 672 unearthly 673 unearths 674 unscratched 675 unseaworthiness 676 untarnished 677 urethane 678 urethra 679 urethrae 680 urethral 681 urethras 682 warmhearted 683 warmheartedness 684 watchers 685 watchmakers 686 watchtower 687 watchtowers 688 waterhole 689 waterholes 690 watersheds 691 waterwheel 692 waterwheels 693 wealthier 694 weather 695 weatherbeaten 696 weatherbound 697 weathercock 698 weathercocks 699 weathered 700 weathering 701 weatherman 702 weathermen 703 weatherproof 704 weathers 705 weathervane 706 weatherworn 707 whatever 708 wheatears 709 wherewithal 710 whiteboards 711 whitecollar 712 wholehearted 713 wholeheartedly 714 windcheater 715 windcheaters 716 wreath 717 wreathe 718 wreathed 719 wreathes 720 wreathing 721 wreaths |
Fill in the blanks selecting appropriately from the above list:
You can hover the mouse over the blanks to see the answers, if you have no time to apply your mind .
1: The pig's cries were______. ,2: His face has a strange glow , though______. ,3: An adept fish______need not be an adept bird catcher . ,4: To see the fish cut with her golden oars the silver stream and greedily devour the______bait. ,5: The______of the 21st Century has never been known in history . ,6: Can we choose our______or our father and mother ? ,7: Did Tyson ask for a______, everytime he lost ? ,8: The______of the door needs reconstruction . ,9: The______of the tiger, on his chest show that he was badly mauled by it . ,10: Should we treat______as quacks ? ,11: The______method of Personnel Management , sometimes ignores productivity . ,12: Their Company regularly______choppers to lift the crew working on the oil rigs . ,13: Ladies sitting in window seats of buses and trains are to be wary of chain and purse______. ,14: He studied______at Iowa State University . ,15: The commendoes descended from______and surrounded the hyjackers . ,16: Manners give us______and refinement . ,17: My girl friend needs a______. Her pharynx has been obstructed by edema . ,18: The______tales of the coal-miners who were rescued from the collapsed mines get good sponsors and publishers . The Western Media can cash on anything . ,19: Marxism, can______bring in equality of all classes . Annilation of classes is possible . ,20: His research into______fossils made him very fetched him his doctorate . ,21: Her______love does no good to herself or her family . ,22: A politician need not be a wily______or a snake charmer . ,23: He heats and______his food, obsessive with fears of bacterial infections. ,24: Food production grows in an______progression , according to Malthus . ,25: Our Company's power - generator uses a______when required . ,26: Should every Government Office be fitted with______? ,27: My______was a tailor , unlike my grand mother . ,28: Is rock salt a______or nitrate of Potashium ? ,29: U.S.A. holds the______of this school called 'world' . ,30: We cannot expect______to run old age homes . ,31: She has both her______surviving . ,32: They______gold by sowing silver . ,33: Should a______marry a righthander for compability ? I do not think so . ,34: I have seen a______burrowing in our backyard . ,35: Many churches had excommuniated the reading of ______books . ,36: Do wrinkle creams can help us avoid getting______faces ? ,37: Was Iran______in signing the NPT ? ,38: Soot in chimneys and______enrage him . ,39: Afghanistan and Iraq need massive humanitarian aid , in the______of great destruction . ,40: One good,______laugh is a bombshell exploding in the right place. ,41: They______the electric circuit with a g.i. wire, to guard against shocks . ,42: Every______has four sides and is also a polyhedron . ,43: She suffered from______arthritis and depended on a wheelchair . ,44: Is______a better word than brokenheartedness ? ,45: Meteorologists cannot hate______. ,46: All humans are______having organs of both sexes , albeit in a degenerate form . ,47: Character is the diamond that______every other stone. ,48: Taste the sweet______of morning and live long . ,49: Ministers in the Cabinet , cannot be treated like______. ,50: We cannot have______in tragedies and classics . ,51: The______of the prototype of the plane is yet to be tested and certified . ,52: All the______in this world , have inherent instincts . ,53: His______was a cool teacher . ,54: The builder of our apartments complex didn't instal______to control room temperature . ,55: We have a number of______colleges in our City . ,56: How a______is different from a mall ? ,57: Why do heroes behave______when they find heroines part ways from them ? ,58: Can______cause heart failures ? ,59: We cannot expect______to become creators . ,60: We cannot think of______of a watermelon separated from its peduncle . ,61: A Foreign exchange counter at the Airport______currencies tendered by tourists . ,62: The______in his bedroom is replete with cockroaches . ,63: His numerous______could not procure him a good job . ,64: Does______and roasting of groundnuts free them from aflatoxins ? ,65: He is a farmer too small to afford a______. ,66: Her too many______expressions annoy the readers . ,67: We have to awaken in him the sacred celestial life essence______into him by Almighty God ! ,68: Extra-ordinary care is needed when______true-life persons in a film script . ,69: Modern currency notes are not easily replicable owing to their special features like security______. ,70: Are crocodiles______? ,71: Her throat surgery involved insertion of a______. ,72: He could not get along with his sons or______; he is happy at an oldage-home . ,73: The evils we bring on ourselves are______to bear . ,74: Do______make good H.R.D. Managers ? ,75: Why does he______unintelligibly ? ,76: Our Company's computer sistems use obsolete______and they need replacement . ,77: I find______in his demeanor and in every word and deed of his . ,78: A Baseball team with good______is likely to succeed . ,79: Deserts rarely have adjacent rivers. How can they have______? ,80: A fair face may hide a foul______. ,81: Some fluorescent tube lights annoy owing to their______. ,82: He and his______are post-graduates . ,83: Do artificial______last longer than natural leathers ? ,84: The prisoner escaped by climbing up the______and jumping from there . ,85: A______may prefer loneliness, to avoid hateful things. ,86: He failed in______but triumphed in geometry . ,87: Cricket______play more than the cricketers themselves . ,88: We can use______as figures of speech , particularly in rhetorical poetry . ,89: The dilapidated structure is undergoing______studies . ,90: One native ruler has used a 500 caret diamond as a______. ,91: The______of Shakespeare , did Congreve emulate ? ,92: She was______by the prizes she won , as a school child . ,93: Who is the financing the______in Congress pleading tax cuts ? ,94: Where will the______for all her luxuries , come from ? She is not a countess or a duchess . ,95: The Company did not employ sufficient number of______personnel to meet contingencies and emergencies . ,96: The bride does not have any______assets. She is virtually an orphan . ,97: How many______and solar systems , does the cosmos have ? ,98: Does a human enjoy his______characteristics ? ,99: Is China agriculturally backward than Japan , particularly in per______yields ? ,100: The Greek______was a great architectural marvel . ,101: When a______contains a general clause, and afterwards descends to special expressions, which are agreeable to the general clause, the charter is to be read according to the special word. ,102: Why doesn't______cause laughter ? ,103: The Company is______a number of helicopters to transport the oil exploring crew . ,104: I take the help of a______to overcome my problems of joint pains . ,105: Media reports everything______and nobody objects . ,106: Many______have spent sleepless nights to decipher the Indus Valley Script . ,107: Please accept my______congratulations on the occasion of your winning the Lifetime Achievement Award . ,108: Spouses cannot bear______of one another . ,109: Book publishers need a large number of______who can type errorfree material . ,110: A______makes only the devotional feel devoted. ,111: Are______quacks ? ,112: Are______long-winged birds or short-winged birds? ,113: Some______birds cannot fly . ,114: We can find professional snake______in India . ,115: Sheep and cows are rare in Chinese______. ,116: Lengths and______are not sufficient to measure volumes . ,117: He can______any rustic girl in his novels, with a natural gusto . ,118: Love, well thou know'st, no______allows. ,119: Can we equate a harsh judge with a______? ,120: The grave of the Prime Minister was______as a mark of respect to him . ,121: The______of dilapidated structures in livable and safe structures are miracles of their business . ,122: We can find transfacts in______oils . ,123: She feels that______remarks hurt more than open comments . ,124: It is strange that this______does not have a rooster as a weatherwane . ,125: Our town is full of______. Residents are clamoring for super-hypermarkets . ,126: He resigned from the______, accused of misappropriation of funds . ,127: Is the traffic of Malden______? I do not think so . ,128: Changes taking place at similar temperatures are said to be taking place______. ,129: An autobiography is an obituary in serial form with the last______ missing(Quentin Crisp) . ,130: Indian courts rarely allow______. ,131: Has______become a dying art , with the advent of computers ? ,132: How do______enrich the soil ? ,133: The______face on this earth can turnout to be truly beautiful with great deeds . ,134: Long______didn't help the asthma patient . ,135: Music is a great______. ,136: An______is a polygon of eight sides . ,137: Most______are marvels in self-praise and innuendos . ,138: Does an______ameliorate a headache ? ,139: Selling______needs license in many countries . ,140: This______is silent about grading and naming the cyclone . ,141: The______refused to pay the enhanced rents . What will the administration resort to now ? ,142: Does Marxism have more______than practitioners ? ,143: The soul is calm sunshine, and the______joy (Pope) . ,144: Do______suffer from self-centredness ? ,145: Does every computer code need an______? ,146: We can have a______view of the Alps from Switzerland . ,147: Which is the most______freshwater fish in the United States ? ,148: A______blow is seldom given . ,149: He is______what he sowed . ,150: I have not seen a script______than this film's script . ,151: C.P.Us of yore used to generate______requiring A.C. rooms to cool down . ,152: His philandering didn't change in spite of attaining______. ,153: The airconditioning system of the building uses______devices . ,154: Are______different from watering holes ? ,155: These bottles are sealed with______aluminium caps . ,156: Children must not always be______. ,157: Are______losing their demand , with the advent of Google Maps ? ,158: Gradual and silent______of people's freedom, by thos in power is common. ,159: Governments act with______, while tackling corruption . Why? ,160: Maintaining a President's image______, is a billion dollar affair . ,161: The______pressure is low at higher slopes of Himalayas . ,162: Did______children fail to perform when they became adults ? ,163: A Presidential candidate cannot win votes only through______by paid lobbyists . ,164: Are______made from sheepskins ? ,165: Many diamonds come with some______hues and patterns . ,166: Sexual intercourse is not a totally______or professional job . ,167: Climbing the seven hills of Lord's abode is an______experience . ,168: The lovers______ceaselessly till the watchman drove them out of the public park . ,169: Chatting and______reduce our working time . ,170: Shsakespeare______downright earthly persons . ,171: A modern______is to be computer savvy . ,172: The Government appointed a______to probe into cyber crimes and suggest preventive measures . ,173: Does Shakespeare's______of Hamlet , conforms to Aristotlean norms ? ,174: The FBI sleuths are______the roots of the scam . ,175: The______of London and Glasgow differ widely . ,176: Indigestion may breed______. ,177: The President is surrounded by______yesmen . ,178: Our city has a______of cosmetologists and dermatologists in relation to our requirements . ,179: Both our Prime Minister and the Chief Minister have undergone______surgeries . ,180: Does Freud himself need the aid of______? ,181: A______can be a bird or a shark ! ,182: Does______really help a throat cancer patient who is on his deathbed ? ,183: Russia and Ukraine need large number of______. ,184: My friend is hospitalised owing to an______infection . He is recouping slowly . ,185: She leaned on the______before falling into sleep . ,186: Lovers should have______conversations during their non-sex encounters . ,187: Urine passes through a canal-like duct called______. ,188: She______the grave of her husband everyday . ,189: The______of modern plays tend to be fast and less monotonous . ,190: The______satellite collided with asteroids and perished . ,191: His______fans wanted to go to jail in the hero's palce . ,192: Does______help in preventing rancidity of oils ? ,193: Hunting curiously for words is unworthy of a judg The______of philosophers, physicians, and poets, are to be regarded and held in law . ,194: Does______Calcium Hydroxide get good demand in winter ? ,195: My______were cultivators . ,196: This Company's workers are______; they work unduly long late hours . ,197: He stopped______stories to his editor , after he got his net connection and Email Id. ,198: This journalist wants to______, whatever he writes . ,199: Do whirlpools have______swirls ? ,200: Her______and her physical movements engage in a tug of war constantly . ,201: The task of______crooked minds is beyond our capability . ,202: The frigate of the Coast Guard has powerful______. ,203: Will______rule be better than democratic rule ? ,204: The Company's______have done a splendid job , in mailing the share certificates without delay . ,205: A stupid and______person may believe that he alone is meritorious. ,206: The early______used to depend on Morse Code . ,207: Is the world led by boasters and______? ,208: The______of cancer is sufficiently proved and documented . ,209: Can we get______diamonds with four faces ? Not likely . ,210: The father wants the child to be______in his custody . ,211: The Correspondent______to his Editor , reporting the explosion in the hotel , by the suicide bombers . ,212: His______kill his creative fiction . ,213: Are the______of New York more punctual and regular than their counterparts in Chicago ? ,214: She felt______during her first sexual orgasm . ,215: Hardwork______our back and make us capable of ovecoming hardships . ,216: Many solar cookers subsidised by the Government are not really______. ,217: Can______undertake surgeries ? Should they confine themselves to massaging ? ,218: A______cannot achieve anything except chats . ,219: Does smoking cause______cancer ? ,220: Are______leaves edible ? Is flower alone the edible part ? ,221: Psephologists are not______. ,222: Is modern English poetry nothing but______frippery ? ,223: Why should the______of Christianity look down upon Jews ? ,224: Who has to______the Uranium supplies to Nuclear Power Plants ? ,225: Netizens will advise the Generals, the peace or war______and with confidence. ,226: This news of payrise does not______me. I have already heard of a proportionate price rise . ,227: The superior luminosity of L.E.Ds are to be______proved . ,228: This is the only tree in the park which is______by visitors . ,229: Where can we get______divine music and poetry ? ,230: American media have______predicted the fall of Democrats in the Congress . ,231: When do lovers turn into______? ,232: Like mother, like______. ,233: The explosion has taken place within______. ,234: The______neck of the criminal accepted death in a minute . ,235: German and French______have big windows with intricately carved lattices . ,236: Can______consume more sugar ? Doesn't it inflame their joints ? ,237: She gets work done with an______tone . How long will she succeed with her manners ? ,238: She______threw the kitten out of the window sill . ,239: The______lanes of global financial and foreign exchange markets are difficult to navigate and traverse . ,240: Venturing into N-pole without help from a______, can be risky . ,241: Only deserts and uninhabited islands can have the______roads. We cannot have straight streets in old towns and cities . ,242: We cannot have dishonest and______Presidents . ,243: Fine______make fine birds. ,244: Which country has the highest______in the world ? ,245: Nothing can be______from truth than to say that prices are falling . ,246: His______contain royal emblems and insignia . ,247: His______are tired of rescuing him from frequent bankruptcies . ,248: The Government______agreed to pay compensation to the heirs of suicide bombers . ,249: This place is a scene of______crimes than the today's crime . ,250: In the present day our literary masonry is well done, but our______is poor. ,251: Kerala, a State of India , is famous for______. Does the therapy really cure ? ,252: Expensive______cannot make up for poor hygiene . ,253: We rarely need to wear______in our area which experiences a temperature of 30-40 degress celsius . ,254: Offensive expeditions of importance cannot be undertaken until they are deliberated and______by the powers that be. ,255: The______are gradually giving way to electric motors for drawing water . ,256: The birds______are also called whitetails . ,257: Hydroelectric projects do not have much to do with______. ,258: Nobody loves______unless people take pains to prevent it. ,259: The President's______is more powerful than the President himself . ,260: We cannot elect______persons as our leaders . Else , we may have to regret later . ,261: His______is a doctor of medicine. His motherinlaw is a doctor of philosophy . ,262: A______child is like a particle of dust . ,263: His______scores have received rave reviews in global media . ,264: All______are not squares. A square must have equal sides . ,265: Are Seers Towers______superior to the Empire Estate ? ,266: Russia is no longer in______. It is very powerful now . ,267: A______is not a ghost's laugh; it is a natural phenomenon . ,268: A monoplane can be an isolated magnetic north pole or south pole. It is a hypothetical______concept . ,269: Is Obama functioning______or professionally ? ,270: A______philosopher does not theorise more than necessary . ,271: He______more than writing books individually . ,272: Does Rhetoric poetry indulge in______? ,273: Our town has few______employing qualified pharmacists . ,274: Is the air in Central New York really______? ,275: Financial projections of banks and giant companies may be______correct , but blown up in physical terms . ,276: The matching and______fingerprints and irises is being undertaken online . ,277: Are monkeys______related to humans ? ,278: Can complex mathematical theorems be proved with______prepared equations ? ,279: People in cold countries need electric______during winters . ,280: The Government is longing for a______in the current turmoil . ,281: The crew______from the plane as destruction was imminent . ,282: The______are gradually paving way to nuclear families . ,283: Stainless steel vessels have replaced______pots everywhere . ,284: None of the______who had held the post at this school , was as stern as this Lady . ,285: A butterfly is the ultimate product of the______of the winged insect . ,286: The fire is the result of______in the Cabin Room . ,287: She is indignantly denying and______in pain . ,288: The Police have made a______in the New York Explosion Case . ,289: Her______voice is her main attraction which bewitches her lovers . ,290: Every earthquake is usually followed by______or smaller tremors . ,291: Where is the place for______and gallows , in today's world of gas chambers ? ,292: Is______a disease of interest to gerontologists ? ,293: She has many friends who are______and netizens . ,294: Nobody's______is ugly . ,295: Florida knows what tomato______are. ,296: The spongy clouds are filled with______rain . ,297: This A/c railcar is______than the previous coach . ,298: The diplomat______added in the President's itinery that homages and prayers may not be on the agenda . ,299: Prisoners may not take a______jailor seriously . ,300: We must examine the______data of submarine rocks to determine the presence of hydrocarbons . ,301: Is the Prince______than the Queen ? ,302: Is______lime edible at least in small quantities ? ,303: Spouses perform their parts best when they take their______to their hearts, and foster them with sincerity and love . ,304: Bonus cheques are much awaited and are not______. ,305: Does first aid include______the patients ? ,306: Modern______are more businesslike than their predecessors of the 17th Century . ,307: Both men and women have______. Or else they cannot urinate . ,308: Is a______canine or feline ? I believe that it is feline . ,309: An______has two meanings . The common meaning is : a mark used to indicate missing letters. The uncommon meaning is : a literary work addressed to an imaginary person . ,310: Fanaticism is the false fire of an______mind. ,311: The beach is full of______shingles . ,312: Does an oilbath cause______? ,313: Where can an orphan procure a______before being baptized ? ,314: The boy______watched the sexual orgy of his parents . ,315: Many______are produced through fractional distillation . ,316: Democracies cannot yield to______. Technocracies have their own shortcomings . ,317: The lecturers in this College , write on______with red marker pens . ,318: Can shooting with a______take away a human life ? ,319: What is the collective knowledge and wisdom______at the White House over decades and centuries? ,320: One good deed, dying tongueless,______a thousand waiting upon that . ,321: His______deeds have led to their separation and formal divorce . ,322: They______a subsistence wage. The employer was adament in resisting the requests for a payrise . ,323: The firm does not employ______; it depends on cut-copy-pasting . ,324: He who is false to present duty breaks a______in the loom, and will find the flaw when he may have forgotten its cause. ,325: Is global warming______progressing ? ,326: Embellished poetry is liked by______. ,327: A ship which suffers from______should be dismantled without delay . ,328: A butcher cannot say that he hates______. ,329: The special investigation team found that______are difficult to come by and sustain . ,330: The President has jovially and______spoke to the newsmen and invited their criticism . ,331: The text, whether of prophet or of poet, expands for______we can put into it, and even his bad grammar is sublime. ,332: Does Greek sculpture conform to______practices or does it allow creativity for the individual carver ? ,333: Does continued______cause chestpain ? ,334: This timber______and decays quite easily . ,335: The Prime Minister has to______the foreign jaunts of bureaucrats and Junior Ministers . ,336: The depressed economy______the hopes of youth . ,337: A Minister of State for External Affairs making childish remarks on Twitter , indicates some______. ,338: Authors, if given______help , can perform better . ,339: Do______take responsibility for the collapse of structures under construction ? ,340: The police station needs a______to analyse the breath of suspects and estimate the alcohol in their breath . ,341: Do cigarettes leave a smoker's______full with soot ? ,342: The______lover committed suicide . ,343: Her______made her a friend of everyone of her neighbors . ,344: The Company is formulating a new tooth paste which______less and yet cleans . ,345: We cannot afford expensive______equipment . ,346: Our city is accustomed to______and our buildings are designed to withstand severe quakes . ,347: An______is a druggist . ,348: Does a still______need greater skills or a videographer needs more skills ? ,349: There cannot be any question of______or undermatching of fingerprints . ,350: The figures in the______are the original budget estimates . ,351: Our school______was a staunch disciplinarian . ,352: I wish to consult a speech______. I suffer from stuttering . ,353: The______reactions produce tremendous heat . ,354: Which is the______ape on the earth ? Gorilla ? ,355: He is enjoying the breeze from the______palm trees . ,356: Both Mumbai and Kolkata have rich______. ,357: This preacher uses a number of______to highlight his points . ,358: A miserly______makes a prodigal son . ,359: The force of the law is like a furnace that melts iron______ . ,360: Every man is the______of his own fortune. ,361: Butchers in our area ritualistically and religiously______mutton . ,362: Is global warming really______? Or is it just a propaganda ? ,363: The______a person acts , the delayed his works will be . ,364: Is Ozone layer______centrally located ? ,365: Groundwater in our area is polluted with______manufactured metals . ,366: How many______does an acre make in area ? .40? ,367: The work of______the slum dwellers needs a political will rather than changes of law . ,368: U.S. carries a______of freedom , which citizens cannot sacrifice or exchange for monetary gains . ,369: What is the limit of Earth's______? ,370: The jail has only a few______and consequently the prisoners could flee easily . ,371: The term '______' is associated with rowing . ,372: The world's only______operated garden employing deep sea water to cool plant roots is in Hawaii . ,373: The______of Franklin Roosevelt is in the City recently . ,374: People try to appear______than they truly are. ,375: An______who has won a Booker Prize cannot pose as omniscient . ,376: Which fish taste better --______fish or marine fish ? ,377: The lovers were reunited in 2006 and______they have never been separated . ,378: What proportion of electric power in U.S. is______produced ? ,379: An______cannot perform the rituals of a Hindu temple . ,380: We cannot expect sustenance from a______, in our old age . ,381: Ingratitude is a proven______trait of human race; it is incorrigible. ,382: The remotest spaces of nature are visited, and the______sundered things are brought together by a subtle spiritual connection . ,383: Who was the______of Jesus Christ ? ,384: Religious and sacred books have many interpolatable______. ,385: The news of the bill's failure in Senate is______. ,386: Fastening electrical equipment to earth is known as______. ,387: I am seeking the help of a______, as drugs and surgical procedures have not cured my ailments . ,388: Japan completed the sub-oceanic construction in a______short time . ,389: A message which departs from the main text, is to be______. ,390: I cannot______myself into a fish or bird . ,391: Why does every town wants to honor imbecile beauty queens , ignoring the town masons who create______marvels? ,392: His diabetic feet______too fast . ,393: Which American President adopted the most______approach in his administration ? ,394: Cancer patients are sometimes administered______. ,395: The______of banian tree is not durable and is not in demand . ,396: Does an______enrich the soil and ventilate it ? ,397: Costs______my pocket and purse. ,398: My______were agriculturists . ,399: Nagging intermittent______is an important symptom of asthma . ,400: Wind blew so______that it broke the glass panes in the windows of my room . ,401: The regularisation of______Colleges is a cumbersome yet unavoidable process . ,402: We can have simple______every Sunday at the City's Central Park . ,403: Passwords are key______of entities and identities on the internet . ,404: Dendranthema and______have bright showy flowerheads . ,405: Excel is convenient for preparing______. ,406: His______went up , when he saw her unfolding . ,407: Should______be good ornithologists ? ,408: She does not entertain guests at these______hours . ,409: Birds of a______flock together . ,410: White House is rich in garden______. ,411: We cannot throw the child away with the______. ,412: My lungs prefer______to northerly cool winds . ,413: Are______cheaper in cotton producing states ? ,414: Conferences do not use chartered or______tramp vessels . ,415: Scarcely any theory, the result of steady thought, is______false. ,416: The Government has not appointed sufficient number of______to draw the histories of all the tribes . ,417: A person can be simultaneously oriented homosexually and______. ,418: The______propaganda on human right violations by the European Agencies didn't evoke much response . ,419: Pride may lurk under a______cloak . ,420: This police officer is notorious as the______adventurer . ,421: Her face appears less______owing to excess makeup . ,422: British Common Law evolved from______custom. ,423: My problem cannot be cured with______. It needs a surgery . ,424: Is______energy kintetic or potential ? ,425: Only______players can succeed in chess . ,426: The______of grammatical structures is an important problem in inter-language translations . ,427: The promoters of the Company have not consulted the______before offering it for sale . ,428: Is Venus moving______gradually and slowly ? ,429: Money is just medium and measure of things______. ,430: Do______processes help us to make more efficient heat engines ? ,431: She does not mince words . She expresses with______. ,432: Every sale deed contains a '______phrase ' to describe the sale property . ,433: Does______cause the Nano Car to catch fire while in motion ? ,434: We can______and align pliers and screw drivers. ,435: Are______feline or canine ? ,436: The nurses in this hospital wear______dresses than the nurses in the Government Hospital . ,437: Her natural______is beautiful. She needs no appendages . ,438: U.S. Presidents have to do some______. ,439: The embraces of politicians do not involve true______sentiments . ,440: Can we measure stellar distances______? ,441: The President is surrounded by mediamen and press______. ,442: Dressmaking and designing needs______insights . ,443: Though an______of acres may be bequeathed, an inheritance of knowledge and wisdom cannot . ,444: A claptrap was an instrument used in______to obtain applauding claps . ,445: Nobody seriously listens to the______of politicians . ,446: Obama is______irate today . ,447: Thunder mugs are also called______or potties . ,448: Where can we see an______of the Neanderthal ? ,449: Romantic poetry tends to be rich in______content . ,450: The President placed a______on the deceased Prime Minister's body . ,451: The______on the beach have seen the shark pulling and snatching away the young boy playing in water . ,452: What______does not have to do with joints , muscles and tendons ? ,453: Is______an art or a science ? ,454: The slave______of Medieval Europe wronged endlessly. ,455: The receptionist at the hotel extends______welcome greetings to all the guests and visitors. ,456: Figures in the______represent the data of the last year . ,457: A rolling stone______no moss. ,458: The cave is full of______art and sculpture . ,459: Iron tools undergo corrosion and______when in disuse . ,460: My neighbor is a______gentleman . He is a teetotaller . ,461: The detectives______skulls from the basement of the house . ,462: Indian history has never been as______as now . ,463: A______is a battleship with big guns . ,464: The window curtains are made of cloth woven with______. ,465: It is______to note that even misors are contributing to our social service programmes . ,466: Every______has a right to enjoy moonlight . ,467: The staircase is so crowded and narrow , that there is no______in the meloo . ,468: Is thermal power______polluting , when viewed in isolation ? ,469: We rarely find______businessmen in Manhattan . ,470: This park bench has the______surface on Earth . ,471: The______can help us authenticating , coding and deciphering messages . ,472: Was Gandhi a true______of Indian freedom ? ,473: Is there any ceiling on the number of______for drawing amounts from IMF ? ,474: Do worthy______can breed worthy children? ,475: My friend is very adroit in tuning instruments and he works as an______in a band company . ,476: Polar animals have a habit of______in winter . ,477: How a war is different from a______? ,478: Can a______bowler bowl effectively to a lefthanded batsman ? ,479: China was the______of acupuncture . ,480: Lefthandedness may a handicap in the sense that some cars , gadgets and machines are made to serve the______. ,481: Our country is rich in______coal . ,482: Is______, a compressed simile ? ,483: He has a habit of using brass______on his desk . ,484: 9/11 is not an______incident. The U.S. Government had magnified and is magnifying it . ,485: She started______the oven , to bake some biscuits . ,486: A number of clients can______a computer server . ,487: A huntergatherer seems to play the double role of a hunter as well as a______. ,488: Does drug______work fast in lowering cholesterol levels? ,489: Who______use of nuclear weapons in the White House ? ,490: Advertisers with large budgets have a______on the media . ,491: He moved out of the______into a cul de sac . ,492: Is God the potter ? Are we the______pots ? ,493: The motherinlaw remembers not that she was a______. ,494: Are Asian______more receding than their American counterparts ? ,495: A dermatologist may not be able to comprehend______. ,496: Lenin______'Conspectus of Hegel's Logic' in 1914. ,497: The Company______aircrafts to move crews to the oil platform . ,498: Can we see around______selling widebrimmed hats ? ,499: Who was the Russia's last Marxist - Leninist______? ,500: Most______claim that they receive guidance from the almighty , on how to rule . ,501: The police______to assess the levels of his alcoholic consumption . ,502: Actors must study assiduously, the______they portray. ,503: We cannot expect______lanes if we wish to reach our destination fast . ,504: Is it______sound to use turmeric as a germicide ? ,505: Have you come across oval-shaped______with sloping galleries ? ,506: We can use a______fitted with buckets to draw water from ponds and streams . ,507: The Cabinet just______what the Prime Minister expects . ,508: A______is a sort of heavy jacket . ,509: The gymnast could not buy a good______at the Beijing Olympics . ,510: It is not enough to be busy, in a crazy and crafty world. What are we busy about in this crowded world of______people? ,511: The bus journey to the resort______our backs . ,512: Who______first , need not be the one to breath the last . ,513: Is the President______with debacles in polls to the Senate ? ,514: I have not visited the______Africa . ,515: Test Tube babies are not born out of______. I agree with this statement . ,516: The advent of digitalisation of films , has brought a revolution in the field of______. ,517: They were so close to one another that they could hear their______and whispher. ,518: How dear is______to all noble hearts. ,519: Will U.S. ascend new heights under the______of Obama ? ,520: Can we get ______in a dreary , solitary desert ? ,521: Polar fauna go into______during winter . ,522: A______rarely produces his own merchandise . ,523: A nation cannot entertain______as its principal characteristic . ,524: Ayurveda , the traditional Indian medicine considers that______food is poison . ,525: Can a______move with equal deftness both on land and water ? ,526: Steam cannot break this______boiler . ,527: Can't we have pneumatic______instead of the hard ones with wooden spokes ? ,528: Did the UNO progress under the General______of Bam ki Moon ? ,529: A sidecar is cumbersome to steer through busy______. ,530: Are the subject and predicate commutable i.e.______? ,531: He has tried all______, but could not find a cure for his headache . ,532: We expect the wheat______to be abundant this year , owing to a favorable climate . ,533: English Romantic Poetry flourished by a______language and style . ,534: Their______faces show that they have withered many-a-storm . ,535: Mediamen often______when prevented from entering the weddings of celebrities . ,536: Many human actions have a compensatory______. ,537: A______can never really achieve anything sizeable and tangible . ,538: Ayurveda does not endorse______of already cooked food . ,539: Ye pretty______of the Earth and Sun. ,540: Faith visits amid the consciousness of______frailty. ,541: Job losses are______some industries. ,542: Modern______do not use Morse Code . They are typed on computers . ,543: bringing together from the four winds, like the angel of the resurrection, what else were dust from dead men's bones, into the unity of______life. ,544: We have called______to reweave the roof of our thatched home . ,545: The Indian politicians are the______of street stumblebums . ,546: Are mediamen worse than______? ,547: His______who are higherups in the Company , save him whenever he commits major omissions and commissions . ,548: She______rolled on the recently upholstered couch . ,549: Why______is a common feature among Princes ? ,550: The disfigurements of sculptures which have taken place during the Islamic invasions cause much______to Hindus . ,551: Some aphasics use a sort of______speech . ,552: The______on the Company's website needs complete investigation . ,553: Very few people donate______. ,554: Are screws with good______are in short supply in Denmark ? ,555: Anthropology covers aspects of______, which describes different communities and societies . ,556: He withered and withstood many______and desertions . ,557: We can see the phenomenan of______in India ? ,558: The beliefs we learn from our relatives and______during chldhood are indelible. ,559: Germany encourages______with limited liability . ,560: The______of her conversations have made them indecipherable . ,561: He repents on thorns that sleeps in beds of rosesQuarle Beholding heaven, and feeling hellMoor Is it not______divine order that every mortal is thrown into that situation where his hidden evils can be brought forth to his own view, that he may know them, acknowledge them, struggle against them, and put them away?Anna Cora Ritchi Repentance is second innocenceDe Bonald . ,562: An______with great masters does good to the budding dancers . ,563: The Prince rarely displays______. ,564: There is______in his proffered hand. ,565: The fireplace has limited space to inadequate to place a______. ,566: Grapejuice kills more than______. ,567: A______of extreme and immediate exposure to danger can lead to an alarmed sensation . ,568: Insurance agents in our country are adept in______. ,569: Does this satellite send______data , particularly of ozonosphere ? ,570: The______of the Ambani Brothers from their parents made them unduly rich . ,571: He who cannot classify diseases as to genera and species will be deceived as to______indications . ,572: Our body is a sort of a natural______apparatus . ,573: The singer with the______voice need not be the sweetest singer . ,574: Have you seen a______photographic , which has some elements of a 3D picture ? ,575: She has______many drafts before finally signing the letter . ,576: We can use______to print large and wide tables with a number of columns. ,577: The______is the state of being fit for sale in the market . ,578: The large-scale constructional activities going on in the City have led to a______of cement . ,579: Which State can be considered as the______of the United States ? Illinois ? ,580: Both males and females have______. ,581: The fire burns brightest on ones own______. ,582: This toilet soap______too profusely . ,583: A______is a very rich thick butter cookie . ,584: How to build perfectly______roofs ? ,585: The Project Authorities are searching for contractors to undertake______. ,586: The______is a surgical procedure employed when pharynx is obstructed by edema . ,587: The edible flower heads of______have a good local demand . ,588: He______poetry . He sleeps with music . ,589: Indian stock markets are______by foreign institutional investments . ,590: We can't have three or five sides in______. ,591: Sensibility is the wildflower______of feeling, the sunbeam of a heart. ,592: Power is______calm . ,593: A______person glorifies God. ,594: Do psychotherapists accept______as scientific ? ,595: U.S.-Israeli______seems to get disturbed. ,596: Does every lawyer work______? Are many lawyers dodgers ? ,597: We have to______the pan , before spreading flour for making pan cakes . ,598: Does Media exaggerate______, when short of breaking news ? ,599: Her soothing talsk______my sentiments . ,600: He could not rise high in his Company , as he had no______. ,601: She has not accepted my______, howsoever sincere they were . ,602: This______is frequented by many-a-tiger . ,603: Is the typhoid germ a______? Does it reproduce in bacteria ? ,604: Should every marriage have musical______? ,605: This is the______railcar in the train . ,606: Today's______do not know much about bringing up children . ,607: Every day the Scotland Yard______some scandal or scam . ,608: Kite flying can______refer to drawing of bills without any underlying genuine business transactions . ,609: Can we see clean______in Chicago ? ,610: stereoscopically The Company employs______. They are not gemologists . ,611: Gandhi had an air of______around him , which people thought as divinity . ,612: My uncle suffers chronic______inflammation of joints . ,613: He______two children but failed to look after them . ,614: She prefers an______enjoyment of life to unseen or hazy divine glory . ,615: This colony is intended for______criminals . ,616: I can hear the______of her swimming in the pool . ,617: Parents want their children to______their beliefs and ideas . ,618: He can never win any election , with his______. ,619: In which age of anthropology , did the human shift from the______mode of reproduction to unisexual mode ? ,620: Military exercises use______, which are harmless pyrotechnic devices . ,621: His______job made him sedate and susceptible to diabetes . ,622: The associates of the departed leader mournfully placed______on his body . ,623: Is feldspar______than granite ? ,624: Thousands of naturalised citizens are awaiting______. ,625: The rabbi forgot his______at home . ,626: Every protagonist of every play cannot be a______. ,627: He went on a hearty and______walk in the morning . ,628: Are the______of Danube river darker than the waters at its confluence with the Sea ? ,629: They have kept the room temperature______controlled . ,630: He______the innocent, who spares the guilty . ,631: An invention does not mean just an______of clockwise turning screws with anticlockwise turning screws . ,632: My friend operates a fish______. His sister owns an apiary . He gifts fish cakes to his sister. She gifts honey to her brother . ,633: Switzerland is famous for______. ,634: The Queen's stable has a number of______. ,635: We have to study the______between emigration and unemployment . ,636: Carbohydrates are the principal constituents of______. ,637: The film director spoke______to his mother, when she asked for some maintenance . ,638: Shaw______all his protagonists in a humoristic manner . ,639: The______at the slaughter floor move to the dressing floor for removal of extraneous objects like hair . ,640: Powerful 8.8 magnitude______shook Chile in 2010; Fatalities were few, but devastation was enormous. ,641: My______, when I have if any , will not appreciate my music because it would be anachronistic . ,642: She has a______charged temperament . ,643: We have a Conference of high school______at Oxford , today . ,644: The farm is full of______, a sort of burrowing rodents . ,645: A balanced diet cannot ignore______. ,646: God alone can know the true______of men. ,647: The______is oozing out putrid smell . ,648: Traffic Police use______to identify and measure the alcohol content in a person's expired breath . ,649: He lost his time and joy in a______conversation in a nuptial chamber . ,650: Is a______more popular and cheaper than a dictionary ? ,651: This grammarian______even the possessives of inanimate objects . ,652: Loves and______do not disturb me. They pass over like trees and mountains, when watched out of a train's window . ,653: Can we use______to generate local heat in body tissues using high frequency electromagnetic currents ? ,654: The Company has designed a number of cars , specially for______. ,655: Which man does not cherish______? Which woman does not cherish womanhood ? Particularly when freshly acquired ? ,656: The doors and windows have finely carved______. ,657: The______cannot impose their experiences on the homosexuals and dictate terms to them . ,658: Does the power plant employ______methods and processes ? ,659: This book is not______in United States . ,660: A______specialises in drawing maps . ,661: Did Charles Lamb start his career as a______? ,662: Goethic and Islamic______do not mix . ,663: The______is application of divine law in civil affairs . ,664: Individual against his own foolishness, no serious objections can be advanced against______. ,665: Some people believe that______is better than lefthandedness . ,666: A mollusc may have an iridescent internal layer , called______. ,667: The magician______himself into a monkey and entertained the spectators . ,668: A______can hide secret codes beneathe jpg images . ,669: A______person or nation cannot see the impending dangers . ,670: The______are predicting good monsoons this year . ,671: The______in individuals need not conflict with their homosexuality . ,672: HOw many presidential speeches receive______applauses ? ,673: Chastity enables souls to______pure air in hell. ,674: The Transcontinental Railway passes through many______lands . ,675: Should we use______and radiation to ablate blood cells ? ,676: A person dying happily , need not bother about what happens______. ,677: Are American satellites______than the Russian satellites ? ,678: Speech______are trying to restore her voice . ,679: Our town does not boast of an______; our noses cannot recognise aromas . ,680: A______usually contains only one page and printed on only one side. ,681: Let every man, if possible,______some good books under his roof. ,682: The terrorists______much data about the dam before attempting to blast it . ,683: ; The______have not matured into revolutionaries . ,684: The______studies mechanical devices and processes which are electromagnetically controlled . ,685: It is not possible to______all the prisoners in one go . ,686: Media glare does not really help to______silent crimes . ,687: Bureaucrats enjoy______of others' liberties . ,688: Where is the______? Above troposphere ? ,689: A______cannot be a restorer. He does not snatch with noble goals . ,690: "God of Small Things" is not so much an______book . ,691: The orthodox church has a very limited______. Do you agree ? ,692: Timber needs______. Plastic does not need . ,693: What is wrong in______exchanging kisses in public ? ,694: We cannot say that every______is a villain . ,695: We can get______by combing some acids and alcohols . ,696: Are Linus and Windows______flexible ? ,697: Her______has no takers in the College , because she was poor . ,698: The lover secretly and surreptitiously______her nude and placed the images on the internet . ,699: Government has taken up the______of lepers . ,700: The______passport office is unable to handle the rush of applications . ,701: Does more sand add more______to the cement concrete mix ? ,702: She is the Asian boxing champion in the______category . ,703: A______is an uninvited guest . ,704: Which is the largest sold______lotion in United States ? ,705: She wears______sandals . ,706: The system______repeatedly owing to some problem in bios . ,707: The______of yore used to come in full suit . ,708: Engineers and technicians rule a country in______. ,709: Harsh winter______can damage roads. ,710: Love is blind, as well as______. ,711: The earth quake______all my hopes of decorating the interior of my home . ,712: A person with ______ authority cannot administer when the going is tough . ,713: Her______talent has been misunderstood by the Management and she was handed over a pink slip . ,714: Is Zinc used in______reactions ? ,715: The melodious singer is from a tribe of______. ,716: He is surviving on______introduced in his oesophagus . ,717: My______hails from Kentucky. It is famous for breeding race horses . ,718: The gunboat diplomacy of war______does not always work . ,719: The construction of this dam involves______of great magnitude . ,720: The______starlet failed to make any headway in Hollywood . ,721: Who were the______of the American War of Independence ? |
1: heartbreaking ,2: weatherworn ,3: catcher ,4: treacherous ,5: heartlessness ,6: birthplace ,7: rematch ,8: architrave ,9: teethmarks ,10: herbalists ,11: behaviourist ,12: charters ,13: snatchers ,14: magnetohydrodynamics ,15: parachutes ,16: exhilaration ,17: tracheotomy ,18: heartrending ,19: theoretically ,20: anthropogenic ,21: halfhearted ,22: enchanter ,23: reheats ,24: arithmetical ,25: turbocharger ,26: weathercocks ,27: greatgrandmother ,28: chlorate ,29: headmastership ,30: misanthropes ,31: greatgrandmothers ,32: harvested ,33: righthander ,34: hamster ,35: heretical ,36: leathery ,37: overhasty ,38: hearths ,39: aftermath ,40: hearty ,41: earthed ,42: tetrahedron ,43: rheumatoid ,44: heartbreak ,45: weathervane ,46: hermaphrodites ,47: scratches ,48: breath ,49: charioteers ,50: lightheartedness ,51: airworthiness ,52: earthlings ,53: schoolteacher ,54: thermostats ,55: physiotherapy ,56: hypermarket ,57: treacherously ,58: hypercholesterolaemia ,59: gatherers ,60: reattachment ,61: interchanges ,62: chamberpot ,63: apprenticeships ,64: dehydrating ,65: harvester ,66: parenthetical ,67: breathed ,68: characterising ,69: threads ,70: sabretoothed ,71: catheter ,72: daughtersinlaw ,73: hardest ,74: behaviourists ,75: chatter ,76: motherboards ,77: heartiness ,78: catchers ,79: watersheds ,80: heart ,81: atmospherics ,82: brothersinlaw ,83: leathers ,84: watchtower ,85: misanthrope ,86: arithmetic ,87: watchers ,88: apostrophes ,89: architectonic ,90: paperweight ,91: characterisations ,92: exhilarated ,93: orchestrations ,94: wherewithal ,95: electrotechnical ,96: heritable ,97: earths ,98: hermaphroditic ,99: hectare ,100: amphitheatre ,101: charter ,102: slaughter ,103: chartering ,104: physiotherapist ,105: rhetorically ,106: archaeologists ,107: heartiest ,108: harassment ,109: typographers ,110: cathedral ,111: hypnotherapists ,112: shearwaters ,113: feathered ,114: enchanters ,115: hinterland ,116: breadths ,117: characterise ,118: partnership ,119: slaughterer ,120: wreathed ,121: metamorphoses ,122: hydrogenated ,123: parenthetic ,124: weathercock ,125: hypermarkets ,126: treasurership ,127: weatherbound ,128: isothermally ,129: chapter ,130: disenfranchisement ,131: stenography ,132: earthworms ,133: swarthiest ,134: breathings ,135: enchantress ,136: octahedron ,137: autobiographies ,138: heartache ,139: pharmaceuticals ,140: weatherman ,141: stallholders ,142: theoreticians ,143: heartfelt ,144: technocrats ,145: authenticator ,146: breathtaking ,147: soughtafter ,148: threatened ,149: harvesting ,150: patchier ,151: superheat ,152: parenthood ,153: thermostatic ,154: waterholes ,155: threaded ,156: thwarted ,157: cartographers ,158: encroachment ,159: halfheartedness ,160: untarnished ,161: atmospheric ,162: hyperactive ,163: orchestration ,164: parchments ,165: archetypical ,166: amateurish ,167: exhilarating ,168: chattered ,169: chattering ,170: characterises ,171: typographer ,172: technocrat ,173: characterisation ,174: unearthing ,175: atmospheres ,176: nightmares ,177: orchestrating ,178: dearth ,179: openhearted ,180: psychotherapists ,181: thrasher ,182: catheterisation ,183: harvesters ,184: urethral ,185: headrest ,186: hearttoheart ,187: urethra ,188: wreathes ,189: theatricals ,190: earthbound ,191: overenthusiastic ,192: hydrogenation ,193: authorities ,194: dehydrated ,195: grandfathers ,196: stretchable ,197: telegraphing ,198: parenthesise ,199: archetypal ,200: heartstrings ,201: straightening ,202: searchlights ,203: technocratic ,204: dispatchers ,205: uncharitable ,206: telegraphy ,207: cheaters ,208: heritability ,209: tetrahedral ,210: hereafter ,211: telegraphed ,212: afterthoughts ,213: schoolteachers ,214: breathless ,215: straightens ,216: merchantable ,217: physiotherapists ,218: chatterer ,219: tracheal ,220: artichoke ,221: soothsayers ,222: rhetorical ,223: adherents ,224: authorise ,225: authoritatively ,226: hearten ,227: photometrically ,228: unscratched ,229: ethereally ,230: prophetically ,231: haters ,232: daughter ,233: earshot ,234: haltered ,235: cathedrals ,236: rheumatics ,237: authoritative ,238: heartlessly ,239: labyrinthine ,240: pathfinder ,241: straightest ,242: fainthearted ,243: feathers ,244: birthrate ,245: farther ,246: letterheads ,247: sympathisers ,248: halfheartedly ,249: ghastlier ,250: architecture ,251: aromatherapy ,252: kitchenware ,253: windcheaters ,254: authorised ,255: waterwheels ,256: wheatears ,257: thermodynamics ,258: heartily ,259: brotherinlaw ,260: characterless ,261: fatherinlaw ,262: fatherless ,263: orchestral ,264: tetrahedra ,265: architecturally ,266: shatters ,267: thunderclap ,268: theoretical ,269: amateurishly ,270: clearsighted ,271: coauthored ,272: metaphors ,273: apothecaries ,274: breathable ,275: arithmetically ,276: rematching ,277: anthropogenically ,278: heuristically ,279: heaters ,280: breather ,281: parachuted ,282: patriarchies ,283: earthenware ,284: headmistresses ,285: metamorphosis ,286: overheating ,287: wreathing ,288: breakthrough ,289: throatier ,290: aftershocks ,291: halters ,292: rheumatism ,293: chatters ,294: sweetheart ,295: shortages ,296: gathering ,297: draughtier ,298: parenthetically ,299: lighthearted ,300: petrographical ,301: haughtier ,302: hydrated ,303: relationships ,304: thunderclaps ,305: hyperventilating ,306: merchantmen ,307: urethrae ,308: panther ,309: apostrophe ,310: overheated ,311: weathered ,312: dehydration ,313: godfather ,314: breathlessly ,315: petrochemicals ,316: technocracies ,317: whiteboards ,318: cartouche ,319: gathered ,320: slaughters ,321: abhorrent ,322: scratched ,323: stenographers ,324: thread ,325: threateningly ,326: rhetoricians ,327: unseaworthiness ,328: slaughtering ,329: breakthroughs ,330: lightheartedly ,331: whatever ,332: hieratic ,333: hyperventilation ,334: weathers ,335: preauthorise ,336: shattering ,337: amateurishness ,338: stenographic ,339: architects ,340: breathalyser ,341: trachea ,342: heartbroken ,343: kindheartedness ,344: lathers ,345: electrocardiographic ,346: earthquakes ,347: apothecary ,348: photographer ,349: overmatching ,350: parentheses ,351: headmaster ,352: therapist ,353: thermochemical ,354: hairiest ,355: feathery ,356: hinterlands ,357: catchphrases ,358: father ,359: hearts ,360: architect ,361: slaughtered ,362: earthshattering ,363: hastier ,364: stratospherically ,365: electrochemically ,366: hectares ,367: rehabilitating ,368: heritage ,369: magnetosphere ,370: watchtowers ,371: feathering ,372: thermodynamically ,373: greatgranddaughter ,374: wealthier ,375: authoress ,376: freshwater ,377: thenceforward ,378: thermally ,379: archaeologist ,380: stepdaughter ,381: characteristic ,382: farthest ,383: greatgrandfather ,384: chapters ,385: disheartening ,386: earthing ,387: psychotherapist ,388: breathtakingly ,389: parenthesised ,390: metamorphose ,391: architectural ,392: atrophied ,393: downtoearth ,394: radiotherapy ,395: heartwood ,396: earthworm ,397: threaten ,398: forefathers ,399: breathlessness ,400: shatteringly ,401: unauthorised ,402: gatherings ,403: authenticators ,404: chrysanthemum ,405: spreadsheets ,406: heartbeat ,407: birdwatchers ,408: unearthly ,409: feather ,410: chrysanthemums ,411: bathwater ,412: thermals ,413: sweatshirts ,414: unchartered ,415: altogether ,416: ethnographers ,417: heterosexually ,418: orchestrated ,419: threadbare ,420: rashest ,421: swarthier ,422: merchant ,423: psychotherapy ,424: thermodynamic ,425: farsighted ,426: interchangeability ,427: stakeholders ,428: earthwards ,429: interchanged ,430: thermodynamical ,431: straightness ,432: hereinafter ,433: overheat ,434: straighten ,435: panthers ,436: starchier ,437: hairstyle ,438: heartsearching ,439: heartwarming ,440: photoelectrically ,441: photographers ,442: ethnographic ,443: inheritance ,444: theatres ,445: exhortations ,446: uncharacteristically ,447: chamberpots ,448: archetype ,449: metaphorical ,450: wreathe ,451: bathers ,452: rheumatology ,453: fathering ,454: merchants ,455: warmhearted ,456: parenthesis ,457: gathers ,458: petrographic ,459: atrophies ,460: fatherly ,461: unearthed ,462: anthropocentric ,463: dreadnought ,464: heathers ,465: heartening ,466: earthling ,467: breathingspace ,468: atmospherically ,469: kindhearted ,470: scratchiest ,471: cryptographers ,472: torchbearer ,473: tranches ,474: fathers ,475: orchestrator ,476: hibernating ,477: manslaughter ,478: righthanded ,479: motherland ,480: righthanders ,481: anthracite ,482: metaphor ,483: paperweights ,484: earthshaking ,485: preheating ,486: timeshare ,487: gatherer ,488: therapy ,489: authorises ,490: stranglehold ,491: thoroughfare ,492: earthen ,493: daughterinlaw ,494: hairstyles ,495: orthopaedics ,496: authored ,497: chartered ,498: hatters ,499: theoretician ,500: theocracies ,501: breathalysed ,502: characters ,503: straighter ,504: therapeutically ,505: amphitheatres ,506: waterwheel ,507: orchestrates ,508: windcheater ,509: sweatshirt ,510: heartless ,511: straightened ,512: breaths ,513: disheartened ,514: heartlands ,515: parthenogenesis ,516: cinematography ,517: heartbeats ,518: fatherland ,519: stewardship ,520: pathfinders ,521: hibernation ,522: merchantman ,523: lethargy ,524: reheated ,525: hovercraft ,526: shatterproof ,527: cartwheels ,528: secretaryship ,529: thoroughfares ,530: interchangeable ,531: therapies ,532: harvests ,533: metaphoric ,534: weatherbeaten ,535: gatecrashed ,536: character ,537: chatterbox ,538: reheating ,539: daughters ,540: earthly ,541: threatening ,542: telegraphs ,543: breathing ,544: thatchers ,545: archetypes ,546: gatecrashers ,547: fathersinlaw ,548: lethargically ,549: hardheartedness ,550: heartburn ,551: telegraphic ,552: hyperactivity ,553: wholeheartedly ,554: threading ,555: ethnography ,556: heartbreaks ,557: metamorphism ,558: teachers ,559: partnerships ,560: theatricality ,561: in accordance with ,562: apprenticeship ,563: hauteur ,564: treachery ,565: hearthrug ,566: grapeshot ,567: threat ,568: gatecrashing ,569: stratospheric ,570: inheritances ,571: therapeutic ,572: thermostat ,573: throatiest ,574: stereographic ,575: trashed ,576: broadsheets ,577: merchantability ,578: shortage ,579: heartland ,580: urethras ,581: hearth ,582: lathered ,583: shortbread ,584: weatherproof ,585: earthworks ,586: tracheostomy ,587: artichokes ,588: breathes ,589: superheated ,590: tetrahedrons ,591: wreath ,592: characteristically ,593: charitable ,594: hypnotherapy ,595: relationship ,596: trenchantly ,597: preheat ,598: catastrophes ,599: heartened ,600: godfathers ,601: hearties ,602: waterhole ,603: bacteriophage ,604: orchestras ,605: draughtiest ,606: grandmothers ,607: unearths ,608: metaphorically ,609: slaughterhouses ,610: crystallographers ,611: earthiness ,612: rheumatic ,613: fathered ,614: earthy ,615: rehabilitated ,616: thrashes ,617: orchestrate ,618: straightforwardness ,619: hermaphrodite ,620: thunderflashes ,621: whitecollar ,622: wreaths ,623: scratchier ,624: enfranchisement ,625: phylactery ,626: rhetorician ,627: breathy ,628: headwaters ,629: thermostatically ,630: threatens ,631: interchanging ,632: hatchery ,633: watchmakers ,634: steeplechasers ,635: interrelationships ,636: starches ,637: theatrically ,638: characterised ,639: slaughterings ,640: earthquake ,641: granddaughters ,642: hysterically ,643: headmasters ,644: hamsters ,645: carbohydrates ,646: characteristics ,647: slaughterhouse ,648: breathalysers ,649: periphrastic ,650: thesaurus ,651: apostrophised ,652: hatreds ,653: diathermy ,654: lefthanders ,655: fatherhood ,656: architraves ,657: heterosexuals ,658: magnetohydrodynamical ,659: copyrightable ,660: cartographer ,661: pamphleteer ,662: architectures ,663: theocracy ,664: encroachments ,665: righthandedness ,666: motherofpearl ,667: metamorphosed ,668: cryptographer ,669: nearsighted ,670: weathermen ,671: heterosexuality ,672: wholehearted ,673: breathe ,674: heathery ,675: chemotherapy ,676: thereafter ,677: stealthier ,678: therapists ,679: aromatherapist ,680: broadsheet ,681: gather ,682: foregathered ,683: pamphleteers ,684: electromechanics ,685: rehabilitate ,686: unearth ,687: insidious encroachment ,688: stratosphere ,689: snatcher ,690: enthralling ,691: outreach ,692: weathering ,693: sweethearts ,694: stepfather ,695: urethane ,696: interchangeably ,697: warmheartedness ,698: photographed ,699: rehabilitation ,700: shortstaffed ,701: scratchiness ,702: featherweight ,703: gatecrasher ,704: aftershave ,705: featherlight ,706: thrashed ,707: schoolmasters ,708: technocracy ,709: weather ,710: hatred ,711: shattered ,712: undefined ,713: theatrical ,714: electrochemical ,715: huntergatherers ,716: catheters ,717: grandmother ,718: threats ,719: earthwork ,720: starchiest ,721: torchbearers |