Judges in courts often employ Latin phrases. Medical terms may often involve use of Latin phrases. We need not mention the literary works of classical and old English writers. These works have plenty of Latin words and phrases. Comprehension becomes difficult when we do not have familiarity with the Latin Phrases.
I had a colleague in my past birth (previous occupation), who-- to show his proficiency and skills, abundantly employed Latin terms. His superiors had to consult a voluminous dictionary , to decipher what he was writing.
It is not that we are going to use Latin words aplenty. But, we should be comfortable to understand a communication, when our sender uses popular and rare Latin words and phrases alike. Hence this quiz.
Fill in the blanks, selecting appropriate words from the box.
Hover your mouse at the end to see the suggested answers.
annus mirablis. aqua vitae. ars longa vita brevis. audi alteram partem. bona fide. carpe noctem. casus belli. caveat emptor. ceteris paribus. coitus interreptus. | |
01. Brandy is _____ in France. Gin is aqua vitae in Netherlands. Whisky is aqua vitae in France. 02. Does every visitor to a Super Market know that he will be subject to the maxim '_____________ ' ? 03. Do the lovers of the Valentine Day follow the dictum ' ______ ' ? 04. Every bureaucrat, jurist and politician has to follow the principle of _______ , i.e. 'hear the other party.' Do the American Police follow? 05. How do websites distinguish between ______ commentators and spammers ? 06. Is ______ conducive to orgasm? It seems to conflict. 07. The Hippocratian maxim ' ______ ' (art is long and life is short), applies not only to medical profession. It applies to every art, craft, diligence, profession and skill under this sky. 08. We often live our lives in extremely volatile situations. We cannot expect ______ environment before venturing on new ideas. 09. What is the _______ for the American invasion of Iraq ? Was it too flimsy ? 10. Will 2011 become an _______ or an annus terriblis in the history of Egypt and the lives of Egyptians? |
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