French words and phrases abundantly entered the English language.
France, a la England was a colonial power. French language , like English , has become the lingua franca of some coutries.
Canada has a French-speaking State (Quebec) and an English-speaking State (Ottawa).
We can mobilise considerable active and passive vocabulary, by working on French words and phrases.
Here is, a mini-quiz based on 10 French and words and phrases.
Please, try to fill-in the blanks, selecting appropriate words from the choice box.
You may, if you have no inclination or time, just hover your mouse at the end, to see the suggested answers.
01. adieu -- last word of parting, with no prospect of meeting again 02. a la-- in the manner of, in the style of 03. au revoir -- Good bye (until we meet again). See you later. 04. avant-garde -- innovative movements in art, culture, literature, music, sculpture etc. 05. bon appetit -- Enjoy your food. 06. bon-homie -- a feeling of cheerful friendship. 07. carte blanche -- blank check, unlimited authority. 08. de javu, dejavu -- an expression or feeling of already having seen something. 09. volte-face -- complete reversal of opinion. 10. aide memoire -- an object or a memo which helps to remember. Memory aid. |
01. Conversation with her gave me a pleasant sense of _____. 02. Did Obama enjoy a ______ with the deposed Egyptian President Mubarak? 03. Divorcing couple, now-a-days rarely say adieu. They say ______ . 04. Every script-writer and film director in Holliwood believes that he is handling and presenting an ______ plot and theme, while it ends up as a routine soap-opera. 05. I do not want a large congregation when I say ____ from this world. 06. Some say that Obama also IS a war-monger ____ his predecessor. 07. The deceased Chief Minister used to always bring along with him a particular servant , who used to serve him both as a body-guard and ______. 08. The Prime Minister gave the Telecom Minister, a ______ . The Telecom Baron encashed it with great audacity. Who is at fault? The giver or the taker? 09. This dietician - cum - food columnist ends all his blogs with the motto ' _______ ' 10. The _____ of the Government's stand on disciplining the American Banks and their CEO salaries, is incomprehensible. |
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