We, ourselves, may have to send business communications (letters, emails etc.) even in our financial and legal afairs.
Hence, it is necessary to, to have some reasonable understanding of business words and phrases, particularly the contextual meaning which they derive in the communications.
We quite frequently come across hackneyed overused words and phrases. This happens because we cultivate our usage habits voluntarily and involuntarily imitating others, particularly our bosses and peers.
These cliches may not be grammatically wrong. But they look jaded and stale owing to overusage by everybody.
Some writers use bombastic expressions to impress others.
People make business decisions on the basis of pecuniary advantages and disadvantages. I doubt: "Can pompous language really help in getting business and retaining customers ?" Development of long term business relationships and growth of business are dependent on a number of factors. What weightage we can give to grandiloquent rhetoric?
Anyway, here is a quiz based on business words and phrases.
Please fill in the blanks, selecting appropriate words from the choice box. Please hover your mouse either at te blank itself or at the end, to compare with the suggested answers.
01. A tax consultant can help us in the __________ of our tax liability. 02. Is the decision of the Government of India to annule its spectrum allocation agreement with the Devas__________ and unilateral? 03. Does International Chamber of Commerce act as __________ in commercial disputes? 04. __________ arises when an investor buys at one Center and sells at another Center on the same day, to earn profit from price differentials between markets. The scope for this type of operations is getting limited, owing to real-time operations taking place on electronically interlinked markets. 05. Credit __________ for infrastructure finance is not easy. The Credit Analyst must have great expertise and skill of looking into future. 06. The concept of __________ marketing has not yet picked up in developing countries. Marketing networks are still in a nascent stage. 07. The Court is yet to appoint an __________ to execute the will of my deceased uncle. 08. __________ refers to a letter of the last month. This word has become a cliche owing to an excess usage. 09. __________ refers to a letter of the current month. This word to has become hackneyed. 10. __________ refers to a letter of next month. This word too has become trite and lost its novelty. |
Hover your mouse here to see the answers |